Twelve - Blinded By A Single Kiss

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Black. All i see is black. I don't know where I am or really what had happened. I feel numb, like I can't move. There is a stabbing sensation in my right arm and it hurts, but I can't move

I felt a cold liquid hitting by face, sliding down my cheek that awoke me from the blank nothings that I saw only just a second a go.

I looked down to my hand to see three massive cuts in the middle of my palm. I wince in pain but I ignored it for the time being, I need to get out of here.

I looked around me to my surroundings, it looked exactly like the sewers.... of course, everything connects to the sewers.

I looked up to the ceiling of the large expanded room I was trapped in and my eyes widen in shock and horror. All the missing children were floating in the air in a circle formation, was Georgie up there too?

I attempt to scan each and every kid, in the hopes that I could see Georgie, or even Betty Ripsom but it's too far away to tell.

I slowly stood up, the nerve pain from my hand shooting throughout my body, sending chills down my spine.

I started walking around slowly, watching all the kids and large pile of trash underneath them.

"Time to float" I heard the deadly familiar voice call out from behind me.

"No, please I just want to go home" I cry, trying my best to run away but I couldn't, I was really trapped.

"Time to float or time for needles" he said transforming into the little old lady again.

"How do you do that" I whisper in shock, shaking my head, trying to back up from him as he starts walking towards me.

"Fear." He smiles, showing his teeth as he transforms back into his clown persona.

"Summer watch out!" Beverly screams, throwing a large metal spear again but missing terribly.

Pennywise turns to Beverly, anger in his eyes.

"bad aim" he says, walking closer to Beverly, while she is defenceless.

"Beverly go!" I say but she doesn't move, Pennywise grabs her and looks at her directly in the eyes.

"Summer hide!" Beverly blurts but I shake my head.

"Beverly I cant just-" start start because she cuts me off.

"Hide! Please!" She said, looking at me but Pennywise starts opening his mouth, something bright and shiny reflecting off beverlys skin.

I run, I run as fast as I can which is probably not that fast but I tried my hardest.

I found a large rock and decide to hide behind it, probably not the wisest or best hiding spot but being in the sewers doing exactly give you much option.

"Summer, are we playing hide and seek? Because I'm coming to find you?" He says as if he was talking to a five year old girl.

I look up to Beverly and she started floating into the air.

"Oh god Beverly" I whisper to myself, shaking slightly, will I die right here? In the fucking sewers.

"Time to float" a deep dark voice says from behind me.

I turn around and Pennywise was there, mouth wide open, three circular balls spinning around captivating me in.

I start to loose focus on my surroundings, I don't know exactly what's going on but I couldn't scream or do anything. I was stuck looking at the three shining circular objects in his mouth before my vision goes back to black.

 𝑵𝒆𝒘 ☆ Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now