Seven - Realisation

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"Beverly needs us" Ben said in a panic, barging into my room waking me up, clearly stressing out. My eyes go wide as I don't know what to do.

"What? Is she okay? Is she hurt? What's going on?" I say getting out of my bed, changing out of my pyjamas into fresh clean clothes.

"I don't know, Bill, he just called me saying we need to go to Beverly's house. It's urgent!" Ben says, pacing back and forth waiting for me.

"Okay okay lets go!" I say, slipping on a pair of sneakers before runny downstairs.

"Use moms bike" Ben said, hopping onto his bike, waiting for me.

I stare blankly him, my heart racing and head hurting from the thought of what happened before.

"I can't, I j-just woke up and I-I'm still tired" I say stuttering, shaking my head, lying and coming up with excuses.

"Summer I know about that bike accident you had and things but we really have to go, for Beverly. If you ride with me it will only slow is down" he says and I nod.

"Alright" I huff, gulping down whatever fear was going through my head. I got on the bike and I felt my hands start shaking, what ever is going on with Beverly better be worth it.

"Let's go!" I say peddling away, gripping the handle bars lightly, checking my tyre and breaks for anything.

After a couple of minutes of riding in silence, you ahead were saw Bill, Richie, Eddie and Stanley riding their bikes and arguing about something as usual.

"We must not go through the alley, it takes too long through the alley" Eddie squealed

"-no it's much faster" Stanley retaliated, cutting off Eddie.

"It's more dangerous and disgusting-" Eddie starts panicking.

"How is it more dangerous!" Stanley yelled, rolling his eyes.

"It smells like urine and it's disgusting" Eddie said, rolling his eyes until he spotted Ben and I coming closer.

"Oh hey summer!" Eddie says with a smile, his cheeks reddish.

"Hey to you to Eddie" Ben winked and Eddie shook his head.

"Hey Eddie" I say, getting off my bike, pushing it to the stair case of Beverly house, where she was running down the stairs to meet us.

"I need to show you something." She said with a serious and fearful face, we all drop our bike at her response.

"More then we saw at the quarry?" Richie smirked, everyone looked at him with a disgusted look on our faces

"Just shut up Richie" Eddie scoffed. I placed my hand on his back, rubbing it in a up and down motion, causing Eddie to take a puff of his inhaler.

"My dad will kill me if he finds out I had boy in the apartment." Beverly said looking at all of us.

"We'll need a lookout, r-Richie stay here" Bill said walking behind Beverly into her apartment.

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. What if her dad comes back?" Richie exclaims with a worried and upset look on his face.

"Do what you always do, start talking" Stanley replies, walking up the stairs behind Bill and Beverly.

"It is a gift" Richie mumbles to himself, sighing
Everyone else started following them, beside me and Richie.

Eddie turned around and gave me a confused look, before looking between Richie and I.

"Summer, come on" Eddie says, looking at me with sad eyes.

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