Three - Missing Children

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"That's poison ivy, And that's poison ivy, and that poison ivy" Stanley says, pointing towards every plant in his sight.

"Where! Where's the poison ivy?!" Eddie says with wide eyes.

"No where" I exclaim, seeing the confusion on eddies face.

"Not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley " Richie states rolling his eyes.

"Okay well I'm starting to get itchy now and I'm pretty sure I-" Eddies starts rambling before Richie cuts him off.

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" Richie asked, Eddie shrugged

Bill and richie start moving into the tunnels, looking at the ground with their flashlights to see if they could find anything.

"Sometimes yeah" Eddie proclaimed, scratching his neck in embarrassment.

"Then you probably have crabs" Richie says with a smile on his face.

I let out a small laugh before Eddie shoots me an unamused glare.

"That's so not funny" Eddie states before I start laughing harder.

Richie looked up at me and smiled.

"Summer thinks is does" Richie declared and I quickly stopped laughing.

"Do you really think he's funny" Eddie asked, looking at me intensively.

"I mean... yeah" I reply and Eddie shakes his head, focussing on the tunnels.

Bill and Richie go further into the sewer, Richie turned around to see where the rest of us were. He sighs when he sees us still standing in the entrance way.

"Aren't you guys coming in?" Richie questions and we all go wide eyed.

"No way, there's not way I'm going in there" I state with my hands up.

"Nah uh, that's grey water" Eddie says pointing towards the water that Richie and Bill are walking through.

"What the hell is grey water" Richie said unethically.

"Basically, just piss and shit, so I'm just telling you, you guys are just splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee" Eddie states, lifting his hands up in defence.

Richie grabs a stick, dipping it into the grey water then bringing it up to his nose before smelling it.

"Are you seriously? what are you-" Eddie says before he is interrupted by Richie.

"Doesn't smell like caca to me senor" Richie says in a funny accent.

"Okay, I can smell that from here" Eddie states.

"It's probably just your breath wafting back into your face" Richie remarks causing me to start laughing again and Stanley to chuckle slightly.

Eddie looks over to Stanley and I with big death glares.

"Have you ever heard of a staph infection?!" Eddie protest, raising one hand while talking.

"Oh I'll show you a staph infection" Richie said lifting up his stick.

"This is literally so unsanitary, it's like swimming inside a toliet, have you ever heard of listeria" Eddie rants, getting nervous.

Richie picked up some sort of rubbish from the water a flung it towards Eddie, hitting him in the stomach.

They are fighting back and forth with each other, Richie spraying water onto Eddie but accidentally getting all of us. I screamed and hid behind Eddie as he tried to dodge the water and rubbish being thrown at him.

 𝑵𝒆𝒘 ☆ Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now