Ten - Confession

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Long chapter! Be prepared...


We were peddling as start as we can trying to reach up to Bill but he was too fast.

We called out his name and yelled out to him but he couldn't hear us.

"You sure you're alright, you know you almost died" Eddie asked for the fifth time in two minutes and I laughed at how much he cared.

"Yeah I'm alright, don't need to remind me about the almost dying part" laughed and he nodded.

"You and Richie would make a cute couple" Eddie said out of know where causing me to choke on my own air.

"What!? That's the funniest joke you've ever said, honestly I'm wheezing right now" I say through laughs, trying to contain myself.

Eddie rolls his eyes as my laughing even though he secretly knew it was funny.

"I know I'm funny but that isn't a joke, I know how you feel about him" he said and I look at him confusedly.

"Well obviously you know nothing because I don't like Richie" I state, Eddie groans from beside me, getting slightly frustrated.

"You don't have to lie to me!" Eddie rolls his eyes, speeding his peddling up so he's away from me.

"How does this keep happening, I nearly died" I sighed to myself before catching up with the group.

"Bill! Bill you can't go in there" Beverly yells at Bill who is standing at the doorstep of the well house, we all get off our bikes and make our way up with him.

"This is crazy!" Beverly says, looking at Bill.

"You don't have to come in with me, what happens when.. another Georgie goes missing.. or another Betty or one of us! Are you just going to pretend like everyone else in this town! Because I can't!.... I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there... his clothes, his toys... his stupid stuffed animals but he isn't! So walking into this house... for me... it's easier then walking into my own" Bill states with sad eyes turning back to the entrance door of the old building.

"Wow..." Richie said looking at Bill.

"What?" Ben asked.

"He didn't stutter once..." Richie said with a small smile of his face. Richie starts following Bill to the front door along with everyone except for Stanley.

"Wait!" He says, we all turn around to see what's going on.

"Um... shouldn't we have some people keep watch? You know, just in case something happens" Stanley stutters, looking around at everyone, we all nod.

"Who w-wants to stay out here?" Bill asked looking at us, everyone beside Beverly and I put our hands up.

"Fuck" Richie mutters.

We all talked and agreed that we will pull straws. Bill, Richie, Eddie and I all ended up pulling the shortest straws, while everyone else stays outside.

Bill opens the door, the creaking sound fills the room. Bill walks in first, making sure that the coast is clear before we start walking in and investigating the area.

"I can't believe I pulled a short straw, you guys are lucky we weren't measuring dicks" Richie said causing Eddie and Bill to groan.

"Yes because then I would've definitely one" I smirked causing a laugh from Richie and rolling eyes from Eddie.

"I can smell it" Eddie says with a crutched up nose.

"Don't breathe through your mouth" Richie instructs, Eddie turned to look at Richie with a confused look.

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