Thirteen - Our Promise

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Long and final chapter :(
Should I make a sequel?


"Where's Bill?" Beverly asked, breaking up the hug.
We all separate and starts walking around the large pile of rubbish, we see Bill looking at a boy wearing a yellow trench coat, holding a little paper boat.

"Georgie" Bill whispers and my heart sinks.

"What took you so long?" Georgie asked with small voice, very sweet and sad eyes looking towards us as he comes into the light.

One of his arms were gone and we all slightly gasped, what happened to him.

"I-I was looking for you think whole time" Bill said with tears forming in his eyes.

"I couldn't find my way out of here" Georgie says, pouting his lips.

"He said I could have my boat back Billy" Georgie added, standing directly in front of Bill. My heart starts racing as I start to have a worried feeling.

"Was she fast?" Bill asked, the tears rolling down his cheek. I put my good hand on top of my mouth, preventing myself to cry.

"Your hand" Eddie whispers in shock, picking it up and looking at it with wide eyes.

"It'll be fine for now" I say, resting my head on his shoulder even though I was slightly taller then him.

"I couldn't keep up with it..." Georgie said with sad eyes. Bill tensed you slightly, he got that same worried feeling I have and I could tell.

It wasn't Georgie was it?

"She Georgie.... you call boats she" he says with a sad expression.

"Take me home billy" Georgie said, brushing off Bill's question and started to cry lightly.

"I wanna go home" Georgie says, tears falling and he began to cry harder.

"I miss you! I want to be with mom and dad!" Georgie cries along with Bill, Bill trying to contain his crying but he knew he couldn't do it.

"I want more then anything for you to come home. Mom and dad.... I miss you so much" Bill said through cries, shaking his head slightly, steeping forward so Georgie was only inches away from him.

"I-I love you billy" Georgie blurts out, his tears slowly stopping.

"I love you too.... but you're not Georgie" Bill says, holding out mikes gun and shooting Georgie in the middle of his forehead.

Georgie falls back, dropping the boat in his hands. We all jump back in shock and worry. Tears spill down my face and I felt Eddie intertwine both our good hands together.

I smile at him but look back Bill who was in shock himself.

Georgie starts squirming and shaking his body like he was having a Seizure. I jump back, locking my eyes to Bills brother on the floor.

Georgie screamed, his shoes changing from gumboots to clown shoes, my heart dropped knowing that Georgie was really dead and the boy who we thought was Georgie was actually Pennywise.

Georgie was making funny noises, limbs growing longer until he finally stood up revealing the devilish clown himself, my anger boiled up more then my fear for the fucking clown.

"Kill it bill" everyone started yelling beside me who was just staring blankly at the clown, thinking of the words he told me.

'Fear' what does me mean by that.

"It's not loaded! It's not loaded!" Mike yelled but it was too late, Bill tried to shoot Pennywise but it didn't work.

Pennywise started fake twitching, a hole being formed in his head like Bill actually shot him.

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