Four - Passion

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"I think it's great that we are helping the new kid but we also have to think about our own safety, I mean he's bleeding all over and you know there's an epidemic of AIDS right now, as we speak, right. Well my moms friend from New York City got it by touching a dirty pole in the subway and a lot of AIDS blood got into his system from a hangnail, a hangnail!" Eddie starts rambling, freaking himself out.

"And you can amputate the legs and arms, b-but how do you amputate a waist? Wait, How do you amputate a waist!" Eddie called out in a panic.

I put a hand on Eddies shoulder, he tensed for a second because relaxing again.

"Eddie, you need to calm down. No one is getting aids alright, you're going to be fine." I say reassuring him, as he starts to calm himself down.

We all got off our bikes, while helping Ben onto a brown wooden stool so he can rest.

"Ugh, Richie you stay here" Bill said making his way towards the drug store with Stanley and Eddie.

Eddie turned around to see me standing still aswell.

"I'm staying here" I stated.

"What!" Eddie said a little bit too loudly, I heard a small chuckle from Richie but I chose to ignore it.

"I need to stay with my brother" I explained and Eddie slightly nodded, before continuing to walk with Stanley and Bill.

"Glad I got to meet you before you died" Richie stated, I gave him a death glare, punching Richie in the arm for saying that.

"Ow, okay, I deserved that" Richie said rubbing his arm that I just hit.

"Is this the only time you're going to admit you were wrong about something? I never thought this day would come" I say sarcastically, wiping fake tears from my eyes.

"Okay no, shut up" he said shaking his head, I just chuckled at him in response.

We stayed quiet for a little bit, me looking over at Ben and his wounds.

"So you and Eddie huh" Richie said, sitting down next to Ben.

"Excuse me, what?" I asked confusedly, my heart rate increasing.

"You and Eddie. It's so obvious that you have a thing for him and he obviously has a thing for you. When you laughed at my joke, in his expense, totally drove him crazy. That's just a sign he likes you" Richie explained.

"I don't like him" I stated shaking my head, Richie laughed in disbelief.

"You just don't see it yet" he says before closing his eyes, ending the conversation.

"What do you mean he likes me" I asked and Richie sighs.

"Ugh now we are just going to be talking about this aren't we, well First off of you didn't like him, you wouldn't care if Eddie liked you or not, so basically you just exposed your feelings for him." Richie says, closing his eyes again.

"Alright, but how do you know if he likes he back" I state again.

"He's different when he's around you, he cares more about what he says and what he does, when you laugh at my jokes it drives him crazy because he's jealous. He clearly likes you and it hurts my eyes to watch you two like each other and not even admit it to each other. like that's just next level virgin shit" Richie said with a serious face, I rolled my eyes at the last part.

"I've never seen you more serious Tozier" I laughed as he rolled his eyes.

"Don't get used to it" is all he said before closing his eyes again, I decided not to push him further about Eddie and let him sleep

 𝑵𝒆𝒘 ☆ Eddie KaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now