Five - So Not Funny.

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Ben and I were walking up the hill that leads to the quarry cliff face, there was bikes and clothes laid across the ground.

"We have to take our clothes off?" I ask nervously.

"Yeah, we keep our underwear on though" Ben replied and I shake my head.

"Oh, I don't think I can do that" I say, trying to back away.

"Oh come on Summer, you have the perfect body, it'll be alright. The boys won't judge" he says as I shake my head.

"No but they'll stare" I say and he shrugs.

"If you really don't want to do it you don't have too, I'll tell the boys you're sick or something and you can go home" Ben says and I smile at him.

"Thank you" I say and he just nods, taking off his clothes and heading over to the boys.

I start to walk down the hill again when, why did I back out? Instead of having fun this summer, my insecurities get the best of me.

I sigh, continuing to walk and contemplate my actions.

"Hey, where are you off too?" The same red headed girl asked from yesterday, walking up the hill.

"Hey Beverly, I'm just on my way home" I announce and she looks up and me confusedly.

"How come? We could have so much fun this summer, if you're worried about only being in your bra and underwear just picture the boys naked then you won't be scared" she says and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Oh god don't put that picture into my head" i laugh and so does Beverly.

"Come on it'll be fun, we can also sneak up on the boys, also I don't want to be the only girl" she says and I nod.

"Fine, I guess I stay" I say and Beverly smiles at me.

"Great, plus, you want to see Eddie don't you" she winks and my cheeks have a burning sensation.

"What?" I state, with a shocked look on my face.

"Come on, lets go" Beverly says taking my hand, leading me back to the top of the mountain.

The boys don't notice when we arrive and start taking off our clothes, they were so caught up in some sort of spitting challenge to see who will go in first.

Richie goes first, spitting far into the quarry, then Stanley, Bill, Ben then lastly Eddie who's spit ball didn't even make it over the edge.

"Oh my god! That was terrible, I won!" Richie announced with a smile on his face.

"You won?!" Eddie yelled, looking shocked and annoyed.

"Yeah!" Richie said, smiling to himself.

"Did you see my Lougie?!" Eddie said pointing to his spit ball infront of him.

"Mine went the furthest! It's by distance" Richie yelled.

"It's mass, it's always been mass" Eddie challenged.

"What is mass!" Richie argued back, getting angrier by the minute.

"Who cares about how far it goes, it matters about how cool it looks, like if it's white or if it's juicy and fat" Eddie said, making hand movements as he speaks.

"Ew!" Richie says, screwing up his nose in disgust.

"Alright! Who's first?" Bill asks pointing to the water.

"Let's go show them how it's done" Beverly whispers to me and I  nod my head in agreement.

The boys are still starring off into the quarry, contemplating who will go first.

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