Six - History Project?

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"News flash, Ben. Schools out for the summer!" Richie says, in a radio presenter, going through bens bag.

"Oh that? That's not school stuff" he said watching Richie carefully.

Richie picked up a post card and looked at it in shock, the photo on the front was of an old barn house back in our own town.

I knew exactly what that letter was, Ben only has ever written two of them before, he uses them a some sort of love note. He made on for a girl named Chloe back in the 1st grade and apparently he made one now.

"Who sent you this?!" Richie beams, turning it over to read the back.

"No one" Ben said, quickly snatching it out of Richie's hand, Richie shrugged continuing to go through Ben's bag.

I scoffed, grabbing Bens attention, he gave me a death glare and shook his head.

Richie pulled out a large file from Ben's bag, opening it up with a bunch of missing children reports.

"Whats with the history project?" Richie asked, going through the pages.

"Oh well, when I first moved here, I didn't really have anyone to hang out with, considering Summer was in the grade below, so I just started spending time in the library" Ben attempted, Richie passing around the folder.

"You went to the library? On purpose?" Richie asked and Ben nodded, putting the post card back into his bag without anyone noticing.

"I want to see" I say, bill giving me the folder. Beverly came and sat next to me and Bill, reading it over my shoulder.

Bill was starring at Beverly, his cheeks flushed and a smile formed on his face.

"y-your hair" he stuttered, trying to get his words out but he couldn't.

"Your hair looks beautiful, Beverly" Ben finished with a small smile. Beverly look at both Ben and Bill and smiled.

"Well, thanks" she said before turning away.

"You look really nice today" Eddie whispered to me, I look over to him with a small smile.

"Thank you, you too" I say giving him a kiss on the cheek, the only person who noticed was Richie. His eyes were wide as he gave me a 'I told you so' look.

I quickly flipped him off before turning my attention back to the folder.

"What's with the murders and missing kids?" Richie asked, flipping through all the pages.

"Derry is not like any town I've been to before, they did a study once, and people die and disappear six times the national average" Ben explained, my heart rate increased and I felt my head spin a little.

I grabbed onto Eddies hand without thinking, squeezing it slightly. I looked up to him to see him looking at me, I look down to our intwined hands and let go realising what happened.

"I'm sorry" I mumble, my cheeks flushing from embarrassment.

"It's alright" Eddie said, grabbing my hand again.

"I'm scared too" he smiled, before turning back towards the other.

"And that's just adults, children are worse, much worse." Ben said collecting the folder again.

"I've got more stuff, if you want to see it" Ben asked. Everyone look at each other, Eddie slightly shaking his head and mouthed 'no' to Richie.

"Let's go" Richie exclaimed standing up and walking away.


We are about five minutes away from Ben's and I's house. I was riding the back of Eddies bike while Ben and the others were on their own.

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