Two - Runaway Bike

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After joining the 'Losers Club' I rode my bike home, i was planning on waiting for Ben but he never showed up, I checked back at the bike racks and his bike was gone.

Richie gave me an address, he told me to meet bill, Eddie and himself there at 4:00pm, which wasn't hard because that was only a couple of blocks down from my house.

I was under strict instructions to get a flashlight and nothing else.

As I reached my house, I rolled my bike to the front of the garage, Ben's bike wasn't here, I wouldn't lie and say I wasn't worried but last time he didn't come home, he was at the library so I decided to believe he was there before I jump to conclusions.

I open my front door to greet my parents, they weren't home either. Great.

I walk to the office room to collect the flashlight, before dropping my empty school bag and writing a quick note saying that I was out with friends and how I don't know where Ben is but we will be back before 7:00pm.

I left the note on the kitchen counter before walking out of the house again, locking the door behind me.

I walk over to my bike, picking it up and got on it. I have a funny feeling in my head that someone is watching me, I look both around me, seeing nothing my houses, plants and the gutters and drains on the side of the roads.

I blew it off, assuming I'm just being paranoid because of the kids going missing recently.

I started pushing the peddles of my bike and start riding to the address Richie gave me.

The pathway was smooth, the concrete slab perfect and straight, no holes and no bumps in them.

I heard a large popping sound as I start to loose control of my bike.

I pull the breaks but it seems to be jammed by something, shit. I look at my break to see a fine thin peice of either glass or metal wedge in the middle. A needle.

My heart rate starts to increase as I look down to my front wheel that was loosing control.

There was about fifty or more needles wedged into the rubber tyre, my eyes widen as I let out a loud ear piercing scream.

I felt a large stinging pain in both of my hands, I yelp in pain, letting go of my handle bars, causing the bike to tilt and drop to the ground, taking me with it.

I look at the handle bars to see two large needles sticking out. I look at my hands, seeing them completely covered in blood.

I feel my forehead burning with fear and sweat, I get up, while backing away slowly from my bike. The needles on the tyre have multiplied.

I look down at the bike and calm my breathing, it's stopped, it's on the ground and it can't hurt me anymore.

I begin to walk towards the address Richie gave me, breathing in and out, relaxing myself and wondering what I do with my hands.

I heard a bell ring from behind me... a bike bell ring. I slowly turned around to see the bike wheeling towards me with needles covering the entire surface of the bike.

I start to run, run for my life in the direction of the address Richie sent me, I looked back to see that the bike was catching up and my lazy ass was running out of breath.

In the distance I heard Music and car wheels speeding on the road, I look up as I continue running to see that Henry Bowers and his crew of Rascals were driving along, making their way into town with their heads out of the window as they spotted me.

"Oi faggot" Patrick yelled out, grabbing a water bottle and pouring all the water out of the bottle onto me, through the window of the car.

"Now you look like a drowned rat, find that in your animal book, loser." he spat, continuing to drive away, leaving me soaking wet and out of breath.

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