Eight - Rock Wars

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We ran as fast as we could, the screams of pain and the laughter of the three morons getting closer and closer.

"Take that dweeb! Eat it! Eat it!" I heard Belch Huggins say from afar, we are getting close.

"Mother fucker!" Henry yelled, sounding like a deranged man.

"get up! I said get up!" We heard him say, we still weren't quiet there yet.

We heard a scream of pain as we made it to the edge of the little stream. There on the other side, Huggins much of kicked Mike in the face, Henry held my, crashing mike into the ground as Bowers got on top of him, a rock in his hands.

Suddenly a rock went flying across the stream and perfectly hitting Henry Bowers right on the side of his forehead.

Beverly, looking satisfied with her shot, smiled to herself as the rest caught up to us, totally puffed out from rubbing.

"Nice throw" I say, giving her a smile.

"Thanks" she said, picking up more rocks from around her, we copied her actions, picking up as much rocks as we could muster.

Mike scurried over to us, limping as fast as he can to our side of the stream.

Henry got up by the help of his two friends, confirming the reports of Patrick Hockstettler really going missing.

Henry looked over to us, with anger and fear in his eyes.

"You losers are trying to hard" Henry smirked, looking at all of us up and down until he saw Beverly.

"She'll do you, all you gotta do is ask nicely, like I did" Henry added, holding onto his crotch and grinding slightly.

I entirely gagged at him as everyone else looked at him in disgust.

Ben pushes passed me, yelling as he threw a rock right at Henry's head. All three stubbled back, trying to help Henry and dodge the rock.

"The fuck" one of them said, picking up rocks as we all looked at each other not knowing what to do.

Beverly threw another rock, starting a war between the losers and Bowers and his friends.

They all start picking up rocks as fast as they can while throwing some.

"ROCK WAR!" Richie yells, straight after getting hit in the forehead.

We all start firing our rocks at them, the odds were definitely in our favour considering it was three verses eight.

I threw a large rock, hitting Belch Huggins right in the stomach, he watched him squint in pain as he attempted to throw one back at me.

Eddie jumped into the water, picking up wet rocks and hitting Henry in the nose.

Bill threw two rocks at once, hitting Bowers in his balls, or mangina, I personally believe he has no balls.

Richie finally gets to his feet again, stumbling slightly before picking up a rock.

"SUMMER DUCK!" Richie yells from behind me, I do as he says, barely missing the rock that came vigorously to my head, instead of hitting me it hit Richie, now he was back on the floor.

Mike got up. Hitting Huggins in the mouth.

Eddie was picking up some rocks quickly as the boy with bleached blonde hair looked at him, raising a rock into the air.

"EDDIE DUCK!" I screamed, Eddie turned to me and ducked down.

I threw a rock at the blonde, hitting him in the centre of his forehead watching him tumble to the ground.

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