3- Freddie

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I dumped Jeanette after she died- I'd only hooked up with her in hope that Rachel would find out and get jealous. It worked I guess. One word of advice, never dump Jeanette. She was mad. Screaming obscenities and insults she practically attacked me.

I laughed at her, it was kind of comical her reaction to be fair, but that made her even more mad.

You'd probably expect me to feel bad for dumping Rachel and then hooking up with her enemy, but why should her topping herself change anything? I shouldn't feel bad about it just because she died, you know?

Yeah, you could argue that it was my fault, bla bla, but the girl clearly had issues. I mean, who wouldn't? She was an orphan who witnessed her parents death. She was bullied by the whole school when Ellie turned everyone against her. And then she found out that they were twins just to top things off! That would be enough to make anyone go berserk.

I don't get how I ever liked her, there's much prettier, smarter girls here who would happily date me. She was silent and closed off from the world, boring and studious, she hated any form of sport. Blech. I clearly had awful taste back then.

Anyways, there's this new girl called Rose and damn she is cute! Blonde cascades of lustrous hair tumble down her slim body. Her big blue eyes look inquisitive and like she's always fascinated in what people have to say. And, unlike Rachel, she clearly makes an effort. Her hair styled, nails painted various pastel colours and her make up is on point. Man, I'd be lucky to snatch her up!

I met her in Physics, we sit next to each other and she asked to compare our answers as she wasn't sure if she was right. Her voice was as sweet as honey and I was instantly desperate to make her mine. After comparing answers, I mustered up the courage to ask her out.

Luckily for me, she said yes. I could see Ellie glaring at me from the seat behind, disapproval across her face.

"What's your problem." I ask, "Jealous?" Rose giggles sweetly next to me, reaching out to touch my arm affectionately. Her smooth skin sat softly on my bare arm and I swear she was way better as a girlfriend than Rachel ever was.

"You disgust me! You don't even care that she died, do you?" Ellie screams, storming out of the room, followed by a flurry of friends.

"What was all that about?" Rose simpers.
"Nothing to worry about."
"But who died?"
"No one."

The lie that slipped off of my tongue shocked even me. How could I pretend that she never existed? She was a massive part of my life. Oh well, I can't change what I said, I doubt Rose was paying much attention anyway.

After the lesson, my mates came up to me and congratulated me.
"Ah, yes mate! You lucky lad, she's well above your standards!"
"Nice one, Freddie, how'd you manage that?"

But then Dylan, one of my oldest mates looked pissed. "Aww, you jealous, mate?" I laugh, teasing him.
"Just shut your mouth before I shut if for you, ok? It's not cool what you're doing." He storms off down the corridor.

What's his problem? Don't tell me this is about Rachel for gods' sake. Just because she died, doesn't mean I can't get another girlfriend, geez. She was my ex anyway. Why does anyone care? Apparently I can't get with anyone else just because she can't. It's not like I even ever loved the damn girl.

Rest In Peace (sequel to After They Died)Where stories live. Discover now