17- Chloe

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"You may begin."
I'm in my biology end of topic test and I feel suffocated with pressure. Teachers are flinging tests at us probably laughing at our reactions to the crazy workload on their breaks in the staff room. This test is impossible I swear! No matter how much revision I do, I'm caught out by trick questions or confusing wording. This year is on cell division, osmosis and all of that rubbish. It's not that I dislike biology - it's one of my favourite subjects- I just feel bombarded with revision and work this year. I'm stuck on a question on mitosis and my brain just can't find the answer. I shut the test abruptly, there's no point staring at my paper until the words blur into one giant mess. Gazing into the distance, I catch Toby's eye.

Toby is a boy in my triple science, maths and English lessons. I haven't told anyone yet but I have a slight crush on him. Ok, maybe a bit more than a slight crush, I really like him. But now is the worst possible time to let boys interfere with my life. It's not the time to have my heart broken, I scald myself. Even so, my mind wanders across to perfect scenarios of us together, holding hands, or maybe even kissing. I'd love to call him mine, but I have no chance with him- he's way out of my league. We both enjoy athletics, particularly long distance running and go together sometimes, but very rarely. He's hilarious, always thinking of the perfect thing to make you laugh on a bad day and he's such a naturally kind person. He also is super brainy, I'm envious of his perfect grades if I'm honest. Ugh, I'm gushing about him again, aren't I? I can't force my thoughts away from him though, I always end up thinking about him again. God, I think I'm really falling for him.

He smiles his goofy grin at me then and that's when I catch myself staring. I'm such an idiot! I'm so obvious that I may as well have tattooed I have a crush on you on my forehead!

"Ok times up, well done everyone." Everyone shuts their papers and heads out of the class. I notice Toby hanging back for me.
"How'd you find that then?"
"Umm. It was ok..."
"By ok do you mean completely mind boggling?" He laughs, flashing his cheesy smile.
"Yeah, I didn't get it at all!"
"Ha, neither don't worry. I think everyone found it tough."
"At least we aren't the only ones."
"Yeah. See you in maths, ok?" He runs off with his friends and I can't help myself smiling at him as he fades into the swarm of people.
"Omg, you so like him, don't you!" Jessie squeals.
"Damn, when did you get there, Jess?"
"I've been here long enough don't you worry. Anyway he's an old friend of mine, I can make this happen if you want."
"No, he won't like me!"
"Are you kidding? I saw him waiting for you at the end of the lesson, how flaming obvious is that?"
"I dunno..."
"Oh come on! You deserve this Chlo, after everything..."
"I don't want things to turn out bad though. Like how they did for Rachel."
"It won't. I'll slap some sense into him don't you worry." She grins evilly.
"Ok, fine! Fine, why not? Yeah, ok. Sure."
"You won't regret this, promise!" Jessie bounds off into the distance like an excitable puppy.

In maths, Toby looks nervous- Jessie must have said something. "Hey." I smile, taking my seat next to him. He looks over his shoulder to Jessie's seat, two rows back and to the right of our desk.

I'm really shy too, so struggle to meet his eyes when talking to him that lesson. It's really awkward, why hasn't he said anything? I was right, he doesn't like me in that way at all, Jessie had the wrong end of the stick. Oh well, I knew deep down that nobody would ever like me. Still, it really hurts being rejected. I don't say a word to him all lesson.


Can u talk...

Who is this?

Toby. We should talk. In private

Ok... when??

Umm, meet me at the quad in fifteen minutes :)

See you then :)

He texted me almost straight after lessons ended. It's a little eager. Maybe he wants to get rejecting me over and done with.

I stroll anxiously over to the quad. What is he going to say to me?

Rest In Peace (sequel to After They Died)Where stories live. Discover now