14- Ellie

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A man with a mask covering his face walks in with a tray. Light shines in from the corridor and I can see that upon the wooden tray is a tiny bowl filled with some form of food and a small glass of water. I don't bother saying anything, just lunge for the food.

I lift a spoonful of the gruel into my salivating mouth. I didn't realise how ravenous I was until this moment. I take another mouthful of the slodge and savour it this time. It tastes bland and flavourless and the texture is sloppy like a liquid. I swill it around in my mouth before swallowing. I reach for another mouthful but the bowl is now empty. What? No. I need more. I pick up the bowl and try scraping out any last morsel of food. I only get a tiny scraping out of it and I devour that immediately. Taking the glass, I down the water, soothing my parched throat.

More! My stomach begs. More! A deep rumble sounds in my stomach, begging for another measly portion of food. But it's gone. The man must come back eventually, or I'd starve down here.

Some time later the man returns for my tray. "Could you just kill me please? Anything is better than this and I don't even know why or how I'm here!"
"Don't you worry, we're already planning it, just need to find out where to dispose of your body." I can picture that beneath the mask, an evil grin would be tugging at his lips maliciously.
"Please make it soon! I hate it here!"
"Ah, well, let me inform you of a little secret of mine. I am a professional killer and I take joy in torturing people to death, especially young girls, they're the most feeble, wincing at a mere paper cut! So I want to plan my most excruciating death yet, and let me just say, I am very excited for it."

I can't even respond to that. What do I say? He's planning my death? I was hoping on a quick, painless death but now I'm petrified. What has he got in store for me?

Rest In Peace (sequel to After They Died)Where stories live. Discover now