23- Freddie

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She asked for me : "the boy who saved me" - does she not remember me? Maybe it's better that way.

I walked in to see her and instantly regretted it. Her thin figure lay motionless, wires crossing over her like snakes injecting her with poison. Purple with yellow tinges spreads across her face like spilt ink. Red welts strike her arm and mangled clumps of skin surround the wound, the harsh red contrasting with her translucent skin. Breathing softly with a machine's assistance she clings on to life, fighting to stay.

Tears brim my eyes at the sight of this beautiful tragedy. She was naturally pretty before but looks horrendous now, no offence to her. She is well and truly broken. I don't know how the doctors are supposed to fix her, she looks broken beyond prepare. If I didn't know better, I'd assume that she was dead, not that she's far from it. How could dad do that to her?

Ellie starts to retch, her patched throat craving a drink, I rush to get her a glass of water. Seeing me, her eyes light up, like crystals of blue shining at me. She tries to say something but her throat is too dry. I offer her the water and she sips it before croaking "You saved me."
"No, Ellie I—"
"Is that my name? Do you know me?"
"Yes, you're Ellie and you went to my school."
"Were you my boyfriend?"
"What? No! I—" I'm shocked at how she thought I was her boyfriend, although if she's forgotten everything and some boy saves her, I guess her theory makes sense. "Look, you hate me. You have every right to. I hate me."
"But why did you-?"
"It's a long story." I mumble, "Now isn't the time."
"But when is?"
"Never, I know it sounds horrible, but it's better if you don't know, trust me."
"But I- I know nothing. It's so, so frustrating, I have no idea how or why I was there or who I am! I don't remember my friends or family! Where even are my parents?"
"Ellie... you're parents died."
"What?" She chokes, her lips trembling, her face turning even more pale.

More spasms shoot through her tiny body and she shakes uncontrollably. Alarms blare from machines and doctors and nurses flood into the room, ushering me out of the claustrophobic room. I don't want to leave her but I have no choice.

I wander down the hall and get myself a coffee, strong. I don't normally drink coffee, but I have a sudden need for caffeine which is irresistible. The sharp, bitter taste soothes my throat and I feel a warmth spreading in my chest. I clasp my shaking hands around the hot cup and take another gulp. It burns the back of my throat as I swallow, but I need more. If anything happens to Ellie, it's all my fault.

Two police officers walk into the hospital, approaching me. "Hello, Freddie. We're here concerning the abduction of a close friend of yours. We believe that you were a witness."
"Yes." Tell then Freddie, tell them everything. I can't. "We would like to ask you some questions if that's ok with you."
"Ok." Seriously Freddie! Ok? Say more than one word answers, tell them all you know even if it gets dad locked up. Especially if it gets dad locked up. I follow the police into a small room.

"It's my fault."
"Freddie, witnessing a traumatic event can cause people to blame themselves."
"No. Listen. It was my fault." They stop, finally ready to listen.
"My dad always hated their parents and so when he found out she had two daughters at my school (although they weren't aware of their relation at that point) he couldn't believe his luck. He told me to break Rachel's heart, telling me that she deserved everything she got. But I really loved her and it broke my heart to hurt her, but I told myself that it was for the best. He then kidnapped her and I could hear her screams, pleading for help as I slept upstairs in my warm, cosy bed, heartless. Dad said it was like a soothing lullaby, music to his ears. Then when she ended it, he wanted to get Ellie too but I refused to help, thinking I could stop him."
"This is a very serious offence you are confessing, your father would also face significant charges."
"You should just lock us up and chuck away the key."
"I'm sure there were complications with your involvement which we should investigate further."
"But I'm confessing! I'm telling the truth! You have to stop my dad, I don't know what he has against that family but he won't stop until he dies! I despise that man for all he has done to them. Nobody deserved the hell they went through! Ellie looks like death warmed up!"
"Please remain calm, she is safe now and we will send some officers to find your dad."
"But it's too late now."

Rest In Peace (sequel to After They Died)Where stories live. Discover now