25- Freddie

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I barely leave Ellie's side for the next few days, she is critically ill and the doctors aren't sure if they can help her: anymore: she's too frail to respond to treatment. She looks peaceful, an angel trapped inside this damaged body. I wouldn't forgive myself if she died, of course I wouldn't - this is all my fault. When she calls me her hero, I burn in humiliation at what an awful human I've been to her and her sister. She is naive and vulnerable, not deserving to be treated so harshly, to be experiencing such agony that nobody should ever have to endure. It pains me to hear her call for me, she thinks that I saved her. If only she knew the truth. Not that I would have the heart to tell her. It would shatter her already broken heart.

Nobody makes me leave her, they think it's good for her to see a friendly face. Not that I should be much comfort to her. If she knew how it's all my fault, she'd go insane. If she even has the strength to feel anger towards anyone.

Eventually, the police take me to the station where they will arrange for somewhere for me to spend the next few nights as I'm refusing to go home: my dad would kill me. I sit twiddling my thumbs as they call relatives who all seem to be unavailable at the moment. In the end, they decide to send me to foster parents as all the care homes in the area are full. They manage to find an old couple who live forty five minutes away from here.

An hour later, I find myself on the doorstep to a thatched cottage in the middle of nowhere. "Oh hello there, you must be young Freddie!" An old man limps out of the doorway, "Do come in! You must be famished, luckily Margaret is cooking her famous apple pie, you must try some!"
"I'm not hungry."
"Oh but you're must be, young lad. Need to get some meat on you, you're practically skin and bone!"
"I'm fine." I walk into the large hallway, crammed full of antiques and artefacts. A warm aroma of fruity berries and flaky pastry wafts into the room as his wife enters the room. "Leave the poor chap alone Jeremy, he must be frightfully overwhelmed!"
"I'm merely offering him some food!"
"Well, if he wants some then he can have some, if not, leave him be!"
"Freddie, do you want some pie?"
"Umm..." I haven't eaten in days, but I have lost all of my appetite, "No thanks."
"Ok, well do sit down, we'd love to get to know you!"
"So, how's school?"
"Fine thanks."
"I'll bet he's a popular little lad at his school, mind you, I never was!"
They munch on mouthfuls of sticky pie, forgetting to swallow before continuing conversation and I see the contents of their chewed up food sitting in their mouths. Blech. "Could I be excused please?"
"Of course, Jeremy would you show him to his room please?"
"Sure thing, come on young man!"

I gasp astonished at the beautiful room. It has clearly been prepared for me and despite the lack of time, it's perfect. I don't deserve this treatment: I deserve hell. A double bed sits in the centre of the room with navy blue sheets upon it and a pair of matching pyjamas lay at the foot of the bed. The curtains are drawn back, showcasing the phenomenal view. A wooden bedside table holds a lamp and a comic book, not forgetting a glass of milk too. Plush carpet tickles my toes and I feel truly at home here. They're too nice, I don't deserve this. They should lock me up, they should starve me of all basic needs, I should suffer.

"Is it ok? We didn't have much time to prepare..." I snap out of my trance, remembering that Jeremy is still standing there. "Uh yes, thank you. It's absolutely perfect, thank you so much."
"Ah, it's nothing lad, it's the least we could do. If you need anything I'll be just downstairs, ok?"
"Yes, um, thank you."

I gaze longingly out at the rolling hills coated with luscious green grass and wonder which direction the hospital is from here. I really hope that Ellie is ok, or at least as ok as she can be considering the situation she is in. The situation she is in thanks to me.

Rest In Peace (sequel to After They Died)Where stories live. Discover now