13- Chloe

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Jessie is sitting with her arms folded on her bed. She's in full uniform and her hair is done. I quickly check my watch: it's 9:00, lessons start in fifteen minutes.

"Well? What's going on, Chlo?"
"Is it to do with that girl who died?"

That girl?! She was more than just 'that girl.' She was one of my best friends. She was the one who slotted us all together: the three musketeers she called us. Rachel was the girl who everyone wanted to be. She was funny, kind, smart, brave, you name it. My favourite memory of us was when Lily forgot her lines in the year two school play, so Rachel said them for her! She literally ran up on stage and saved her best friend from total humiliation, Lily couldn't thank her enough and neither could the teachers.

"Oh Chlo, it is, isn't it?"
I don't answer, I just stare down at my toes.
"Come on get changed and we'll talk about this later, yeah?" That's why I need Jessie in my life right now. No matter what I've done or how annoyed she is at me, she won't force me to tell her straight away despite her dying curiosity. She respects that I sometimes just can't form the words. Everything is just too much.

I tug my uniform on and we hurry out of the door to biology.


After biology and then a game of lacrosse in sports studies, Jessie ushers me to our room. On the way, she heads to the drinks machine and orders two large hot chocolates and buys a box of chocolates from the tuck shop. Just what I need.

I've decided that she deserves to know the truth. The full truth. So, sipping on my drink and munching a quality street chocolate, I tell her.

I tell her that Rachel was my best friend and so was Lily. That we were there when she died but couldn't stop her. That we were the ones who had to recover her limp body from the river. I tell her about how badly it affected me. I also fill her in on all the things leading up to Rachel's suicide. Like the potential kidnapping, her ex boyfriend kissing Jeanette, everything. Then I tell her that her twin has now gone missing and my fear that she too was kidnapped. When I'm finally finished, my hot chocolate is lukewarm. I sip at it for a distraction; Jessie chews thoughtfully. When she's finished her mouthful of toffee, she envelopes me into a warm hug. "You are the bravest person I've ever met." She tells me, "You've been through so much and manage to carry on as normal. I wish you could've spoken to me sooner, so I could have helped but that was your choice, not mine."
"Thank you." I snivel.
"That's what friends are for you idiot." She shoves me playfully. I'm so glad that I told her. It's a massive weight off of my shoulders. What would I do without her in my life?

Rest In Peace (sequel to After They Died)Where stories live. Discover now