Chapter 12

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"Taron are you ok?" Lyson asked.

"Yea, just my ankle."

"Really? We had to jump!? Why not just turn our selves in and explain!?" She yelled

"Cuz I don't wanna see any of them! Can't you fucking understand that!? If you wanna turn your self in go right ahead! I won't stop you! I am a bitch arn't I!?" I was angry. But I didn't mean to let my anger out on her. I had watery eyes. My life is a officially shit.

"T-t-t.................Taron." She sighed.

I was sitting down resting my ankle. I looked away off to the side of the roof. "What." I asked a bit annoyed.

"You can't keep acting this way. It's not right!" She raised her voice a bit at the end of her sentence.

"Yes I can! My life is now shit!" I shouted.

"It's my fault! I told you not to come ok!? But you just had to use your stupid fucking head and come! Now didn't you!?"

I looked at her jerking my head back a little. "So not only am I a bitch? But now fucking stupid? Yea, well I guess I am. I 'am' the one who wanted to leave and make my life shit! Right!? Isn't that right!?" I mocked her knowing she was the one who wanted to leave.

"Taron. I fucking hate you! I can't! Ugh!!!" She stomped her foot in anger.

I got up and just started walking away. I was tired of the bull shit that had to come out of her mouth. "Just go. And don't ever look for me again." I said softly looking away from her. My tears now strolled down my cheeks. I didn't want her to notice. I had to be strong.

"But Tar-"

I took a deep breath sucking in the tears and sadness I turned around interrupting what she was going to say. "Just go! I hate putting up with your bull!"

"If you want that! Well then I can't stop you Taron now can I!?"

"I said go!" I shouted.

She looked at me in anger. I returned it. "Fine. Be a bitch about it your whole life. It's a figure Niall fucking doesn't deserve you. He needs someone fucking better in his life." She said softly. I could hear the anger.

I had turned away when she said that. My eyes shot wide. He does deserve better than me. He truely does. I turned my head a little. The wind blew my hair around. I could see her leaving at the corner of my eye.

"Goodbye Lyson." I whispered softly falling to the floor letting my tears out. I was alone. Officially alone. I ruined everything.

~Lyson's POV~

I was on my way down the stairs from the roof. I stopped for a moment on the stairs making my lips fall to a  straight line. I was trying to hold the tears in. I couldn't. I started running down the stairs and out of the alley with all my tears. I ran into someone. Someone tall.

I looked up and the police was right in front of me. I tried to stop crying. But them tears just kept pouring out of my eyes. "I see you tried running. Now get int he car."

Before I even moved they shoved me into their car hand cuffing me first. "Where is she."

I couldn't just tell them. "She ran off. I don't know where. I lost her." I lied.

They started moving the car. I watched as some police ment grabbed flashlights going to look for her. I took a deep breath. She hates you. You ruined her life. The thought of Louis came to my head. I kicked the chair. "Settle down!" The police officer yelled.

I can't I just can't. I love him. But he'll fall right back into Eleanor's arms. I just cried harder. We finall got to the jail house. I got put into a room. With the white backround and hight numbers. They asked the guys who it was.

When they saw me their eyes shot wide. I couldn't stop crying. The fact the my best friend. Or.......was my best friend hated me. I started crying more and more. I really just wanted to be back home. Even if it meant stupid dancing ballet.

"Quit crying!" A police officer yelled at me.

I forgot I still had Liam's shirt. I saw him point at me. Yea. Great. I'm going to jail. The police man came and took me out of the room. Wait what? "That's our friend. I'm sure there was a miss understanding with her." I herd Liam say as I sitll had my hands hand cuffed behind me. I was being held either way.

"Is she now?"

"Yes, yes she is." I herd Louis. Shut up. I don't wanna be with any of you. I told my self inside my head.

They took my hand cuffs off. We started heading out of the jail house. I didn't say a word. "Is that my shirt?" Liam asked.

"Yea." I just took it off and gave it to him, knowing I had a tank to under it.

"Lyson? You can't just leave."

"I have no point to live ok. My my." I punched the wall. I was angry but upset all at the same time.

"Babe, calm down." I herd Louis walk up to me.

"Louis, just don't" I stopped his hand before it landed onto my shoulder.

"What? Why?"


"Let's go to our hotel. We can talk there." Zayn clearly stated. Everyone nodded their heads. I didn't wanna go back. But in a way I was forced by them.

Harry was sort of. Looking for Taron. Niall just glared at him the whole way home. "L-lyson." Harry stuttered.

"Yea?" I asked as we entered their hotel room. We entered Liam's hotel room.

"Where's Taron?" Shit. What do I say now!?


"Alright let's fix everything." Liam stated basically saving what I had to say. Thank you Liam. I told my self in my head. I sat ont he single couch. Away from everyone.

"Lyson I thought we fixed everything." Louis asked in a way.

"Yea, we did Louis." I sighed. "But I know. You'll fall back into her arms. I just know it Louis."

He looked away then back at me. "I won't. Not if I'm with you. Just will.." A long pause came upon us.

I knew what he was going to ask. "Will you still go on your with me please?"


Really really short chapter. Sorry for spelling mistakes! I'll make the next chapter long. What do you think she'll say?

And Taron and Lyson? What's gonna happen to them? c: bye!

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