Chapter 22

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"Boys!" I herd Paul shout. Slightly pushing Louis off me I sat up.I managed to noticed my chips were all crumpled and spilt. I narrowed my eyes. "Well, there's a waste of food." I mumbled.

"What's that?" Louis asked.

"Nothing, Paul's calling you though!" I smiled so innocently.

Louis giggled. "I know. In here Paul!" Watching as Paul walked into the small tour bus living room, he motioned Louis to go towards him. I leaned back up in my chair. Waiting for Louis or someone. Shutting my eyes taking a deep breathe, all I imagined was Lou's kiss.  I sighed opening them. Watching Niall appear out of no where rubbing his eyes.

Trying to pay absolute no attention to Niall, I looked out the window, watching cars pass by, the view everything I could see from here. Which was mostly the road and cars. I turned around and saw Niall sitting on the bean bag that laid on the ground just waiting for someone to use it. "Taron?" Here we go again. I told my self in my mind. Pretending I herd nothing, I continued looking out the window.  "Hello?" I herd the voice right next to my ear making me jump.

Turning around Niall, was right infront of my face. "Niall, stay a distance."

"I can't, not from you I can't." His blue eyes stared deep into mine. "I love you Taron." He placed his hand on my cheek, stroking it a bit, he closed his eyes as did I.

"Oh god Niall....." I whisperd. I could feel his warm breath right there, stay strong, I told my self. He placed his other hand on my cheek. "Niall, no!" I shouted pushing him away.  "Stop, just stop hurting me won't you? Don't make my relationship with Louis any harder!"

"Your only dating him, so he can get Lyson back!" He shouted. I saw Lyson walk out.

"What?" She had terribly wide eyes at this point with a shocked face.

"Fuck you, Niall." I mumbled walking by him. "It's what he likes to think. Now, if you will excuse me, go cuddle and have fun with Niall, now won't you?" I patted Lyson's back giving her a fake sarcastic smile. Walking looking for Louis on the tour bus I wondered, was he in one of the bunks? As I took a step the tour bus shifted. Tilting over I couldn't balance my self from there, falling over on someone.

I know those eyes. "Well, hello." Louis said with a smile.

I chuckled. "Hello Lou." He hugged me tight. I could do nothing more but hug him back. His strength I could feel it in a small simple hug, his warmth just made me no longer feel like an ice cube.

"I love you." Louis whispered in my ear.

I sighed still hugging him, with my arms around his neck, whispering back. "Lou, your forcing this relationship, we said it was to help you get Lyson back." I replied.

"Taron, I can't help it. I swear I have feelings for you."

My eyes widened, pulling away enough to see his face and able to stay in his arms. "What? No, Lou that's not right!"

"Shhh!" Louis insisted.

I rolled my eyes whispering. "Louis, you said it was for only Lyson."

"I can't help it!"

"We'll have to end this then!"

"No!" He shouted.I covered his mouth. Uncovering it he whispered. "If we do, your only doing Niall a favor."

I pulled my self out of his arms slightly sitting on the bottom bunk of the beds. "You've got a point. Well, what else is there to do! You're suppose to love Lyson."

"What if I'm over her?"

Pointing a finger at him, I yelled in a whisper to him. "No! Don't you dare say that!" Louis just looked at me confused. "You love Lyson, you broke her heart. We may or may not hate each other, she probably hates me, but Louis it's like you used her. I won't let that happen. I can't." I looked away remembering how Lyson and I used to talk about everything. The goods and the bads.

Louis squated down to my eye level turning my face to be able to see his. "Don't be sad, and if you want me with Lyson. Well, then so be it."

"Really? Cause you want to.............right?"

"Uh, yea."

"Louis!" I sighed in frustration. "I want you to do it cause you love her. Not cause I told you to."

"I don't know what I fe-"

"Go spend the damn day with her! Then we'll see!" I shouted at him.

Louis looked hurt. "Oh-Okay."

"Lou, I didn't mean to hur-"

He stopped my shaking his head standing up. "It's fine don't worry." He walked away towards Lyson. I punched my fist into the bed. Why are things so hard? I asked my self in my head.

"Are you ok?" Zayn asked walking up to me, sitting by me.

"Huh? Oh yea. I'm fine." He pulled me into his chest. He knew I was going to cry. I sobbed into his chest.

"What is it?"

I pulled away shaking my head in how bad things were now. "Louis, he says he has feelings for me, but I don't for him. Well, and Niall I can't get over him. But I can't be with him."

"Take a break from both? Spend a day with me, Liam and Harry! C'mon what do you say?"

I smiled a bit. "Really? Ya think I should?"

"Yea." Zayn smiled.

"Ok, but what should I tell Louis?"

He thought about it for a minute or so. "Tell him, your taking a break, and your thinking about what you feel."

"That's not bad at all. I guess I'll tell him that, after all it's true." I point a finger while at him, motioning he has a point. Zayn laughs. "I'll be right back?" Zayn nodds his head. I walk off towards Louis. All I saw was him smiling with Lyson laughing. I could do nothing but cup half of my face with my hands. Their happy, their together. I have no chance anymore. What do you care Taron? You don't love him. I felt the tears start pouring out.

I ran right back towards Zayn. "What happened?" He asked hugging me tight placing his head on top of mine.

"Their happy, their together."

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