Chapter 20

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~Louis POV~

Ready to head to our next stop I waited for Taron, but the only person I had on my mind was. Lyson, that was the only person. I really miss her. I know I will forever until we fix things. It always seems like she doesn't miss me back.

Hearing something banging against the walls on the outside of my dressing room, I dropped the shirt I was going to change into and opened the door. Niall was crying banging against the walls. "Niall, what's wrong!?"

"You would be the one to ask that, Louis!" He ran off to his dressing room.

I just stood there watching him run. I'm really hurting him, by dating Taron. "His loss." I mumbled. Shutting my door I changed into my shirt along with my shirt I changed my pants. Putting on some Toms I walked out.

~Taron's POV~

I wiped my tears clearing the smeared make up. "Stupid Niall." I mumbled.

Walking out I saw Ashley. "Taron!" She shouted running towards me holding Harry's hand.

"Fuck off." I told her walking by her and Harry bumping into her shoulder.

Walking around asking where Louis was I herd sniffling again. Was it Niall again? I herd a bit of a small yell. I barged into that room. Niall was cutting his wrist. "Niall!" I shouted. He cut himself once more. "Niall stop!" I shouted once more. I ran up to him pulling his arms apart.

He dropped his blade and protested against what I said. "You don't care! You wouldn't care if I died!"

"Niall stop! Stop!" I cried. Turning him around I held his arms. "Niall, I love you." I whispered.

His eyes widened. "No, you don't. You love Louis." He yelled.

He tried to wiggle himself out of my grip. "Niall! I love you I really do! Listen to me!" I couldn't help it. I quickly placed my hands on the back of his head pulling him into a forced un expected kiss. Pulling away I looked into his ocean blue eyes. "I love you, Niall James Horan." There was a small silent pause. "Let me clean your cuts, Niall. I don't want anything bad to happen."

"Fine." He mumbled.

Grabbing small rag I put water on it wiping all the dripping blood. I couldn't help but let a tear out at seeing all those cuts he's had. I knew nothing of it. I feel guilty. Maybe some of these were my fault. Why would he cut himself for me though? Adding some alcohol to the rag I placed it gently on his cuts. He winced in pain. "Sorry."

"It's fine."

I couldn't help him. I hugged him with all my might. "I love you! Niall I do!"

He hugged me back tighter than I was hugging him. "If you really do. Break up with Louis."

We parted enough for me to still be in his arms, able to see each others faces. "Niall..." There was a silent pause. "I can't. I'm helping Louis get Lyson back this way."

He pushed me away. "How the fuck is that going to help him? You don't love me!"

"Niall! You don't know what I feel!" I shouted. We stood there in silence staring at each other. "You know what. I'm done Niall. You can't take my words can you? Go off and snogg Lyson won't you?" I walked by him walking out the door slamming it behind me.

I felt all those tears slipping out of my eyes. Running into a random dressing room, I fell into someones arms. "Babe, are you ok? Hearing Louis voice calmed me down a bit.

"Louis, I hate Niall I hate him."

Louis picked me up placing me in a chair. "I'll be right back." He stated walking out the opened door.

I curled up in the chair until I herd Louis shouting. "Your an idiot Niall!"

Shooting out of my chair I ran towards Louis who was punching Niall straight in the face. "Louis, Louis, Louis stop!" I screamed. "Louis!" I pulled Louis away, he dropped Niall on to the ground.. "Louis, are you insane!?"

"He's hurting you!" Is all he replied.

"That's no reason to come hit Niall!" Running over to Niall who was on the ground I looked at how he winced in more pain. "God Niall are you okay?"

"Yea, I'm fine go off with your boyfriend you sent to hit me."

"For the last time Niall! Ugh! Can't you understasnd anything!?" I shouted. Getting up I walked over to Louis. "Louis can we go." I whispered.

He nodded his head. "Hurry up Niall, we gotta go." Louis entwined his fingers into mine. Looking back over my shoulder, I saw how hurt Niall was. I didn't like to see him like this. But he won't take my word that I love him. I just have to move on I guess. "Are you ok?" Louis asked wiping a tear.

"Hugh? Y-yea."

Louis pulled my head towards his chest as we walked. "Your not ok."

~Lyson's POV~

I waited outside the tour bus hoping to see Louis anytime soon. I have to, have to fix things with him. I saw Louis walking towards the tour bus alone. "Louis!" I shouted. He was smiling. I watched as I as Taron running towards him wrapping her arms around his big strong arm.  I felt like dying at that moment. "Hey Louis."

"I'll meet you inside Louis." Taron stated before leaving into the tour bus. She really does hate me, I need to fix things with everyone.

"Ok babe." Louis replied.

He kept staring at the tour bus. "Louis?"

He turned his head and faced me sticking his hands into his pockets. "Yea?" He replied.

"Can or f-fix things?"

He sighed. "Fix what? Not much to fix but become friends again."

My eyes widened. "What?"

"You went off and kissed Niall. More like snogged him then ya'll dated. Then Niall hurts Taron and you. Well your alone now arn't you?"

"No! Liam wants to help me!"

He huffed rolling his eyes. "Just cause he feels sorry for you. That's only why your going with us. Right?"

I looked away on the virge of crying. "Yea." I quietly stated.

"Right." I herd him take a step away. "Well, go get Niall your love so we can go."

"Wait, do you really love Taron?" I asked scared that the answer would be yes.

He only looked at me.

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