Chapter 7

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~Taron's POV~

I was walking next to Zayn wishing it was Niall. I sighed. "Who are you! You ugly bitch!" I herd some random 'fan' scream.

"You ruined Eleanor and Louis relationship whore!" I herd someone yell at Lyson.

"Hey shut up! She didn't!" I yelled.

I was about to run at those two girls until I felt someone grab my arms. "Taron, it's ok."  Liam whispered in my ear. I calmed down getting out of his grip walking inside. Once we got inside asked Liam. "Who am I sleeping with? What room?"

"With Niall of course!" He said with a smile.

I forgot no one knew. I gave him a fake smile. "That's good!" I sighed. This wasn't going to end well.

I walked into the room. I really I felt like I was a bother. Lyson looked so loved. I felt like a just a bother.  Flopping down onto the only bed in the hotel room I sighed. "I'm sleeping on the couch." I mumbled ot my self. I got up walked over to the couch.

~Lyson's POV~

I was walking with Louis to his hotel room. We were both teasing each other. Then we saw Niall leaning against the wall. "What's wrong?" We asked.

He shook his head. "Nothing."

"Louis go talk to him?" I whispered.

He nodded his head walking over to Niall. Giving me kiss on the cheek. I blushed. I had no bags so I grabbed Louis and placed them in his room. I walked over to Taron's hotel room.

She wasn't there. I started to get worried. "Louis! Louis!" I shouted.

"What's wrong love!?"

"Taron. She's gone!"

"What!?" Niall shouted. "She can't be!"

"Well she is! I suggest you get your damn ass looking for her! What you do to her!?"

He looked away. "No time to explain. Let's go!" He shouted.

I nodded my head. Louis grabbed my hand. I ran with him.

~Taron's POV~

I was walking along with Harry down the city streets of Dallas. I looked at the shiny tall buildings. I was just holding on to his arm. I was bored and tired. I didn't feel like such a bother around Harry. A teenager girl ran up to us arounf my age sixteen. "Are you Harry Styles?" She asked.

"No." Harry lied to her. I giggled.

"Your ugly!" The girl pushed me away from holding on to Harry's arm. "You were with Zayn now with Harry. You slut!" She yelled.

She took my place of grabbing on to Harry's arm walking with him. Harry couldn't jerk away as many more fans surrounded him. "Stop holding on to me!" I herd Harry shout.

The paps started to take pictures of her and Harry. She smiled like she was his girlfriend. He was trying to get out of all the fans. So really he had a bit of an annoyed face. "Are you two dating!?" An interviewer asked the girl.

"Yes we are!" She made a big smile pulling Harry in for a kiss.

I uncrossed my arms putting them into the the air making the 'what the fuck bitch' face. Yea I was the slut. I rolled my eyes walking away till some interviewer came up to me. "Are you Harry's sister, ex, or anything else!?" They questioned.

"No!" I was pretty  mad at everything. I could no longer be in peace. I hated being known all over the world. I shoved through the paps and walked away. Harry stayed with the girl since he couldn't get away from all the screaming fans.

Crossing my arms I walked around. I saw a big open space. I stood up on the highest point and started to sing. It always helped with my mood. I started to sing "I Won't Give Up" By Jason Mraz. I wasn't going to give up on Niall. I felt like I shouldn't. But I am.

When I look into your eyes

It's like watching the night sky

Or a beautiful sunrise

There's so much they hold

And just like them old stars

I see that you've come so far

To be right where you are

How old is your soul?

I won't give up on us

Even if the skies get rough

I'm giving you all my love

I'm still looking up

"Your a wonderfull singer." A guy came up to me. He wasn't bad looking.


"Why so down?" He sat by me.

"It's nothing."

"Liar." He lifted my chin up. "It's guy right?

I looked away squinting my eyes from the sunlight in my eyes. "Yea." My voice trailed off.

"What he do to such a beautiful girl like you?"

"He just.....we got in a fight. Can we not talk about it?" I aske the stranger.

~Niall's POV~

I was running like an idiot in many directions. Louis and Lyson really were trying to get Harry out of the fans. But they couldn't. Lyson got called many rude things. I don't know why they call them selves 'fans'.

I ran and saw Taron talking to another guy. She was smiling. I felt my heart break. "Umm......Taron?" I asked shyly walking up to her.

"Who's he?" The guy asked.


"Oh." The guy said.

"I gotta go. Nice meeting you." She gave him a friendly goodbye walking away.

"Who's he?" I asked.

"A random guy. Not like you care though."

"Taron stop! I really do. I saw you with him. I wanted to die!" I shouted. "I'm sorry."

 I looked at my toes. She lifted my chin. "Baby you light up my world like nobody else. The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelemed. But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell." I caught along and sang with her. "You don't know your beautiful!"

We both laughed. I pulled her into a kiss. "I love you Taron."

"No. You love food more."

I laughed. "No your more important than food." She blushed.

~Lyson's POV~

I saw Taron and Niall makingout over out in the open of the city. I smiled. My friend was happy. I felt Louis spin me around. He winked. "We can do that too."

I smiled. He pulled me in for a kiss. Our lips in perfect sync. I smiled during the kiss. Louis was perfect. I could never break his heart. I saw picture flashes. We didn't care. We kissed cuz.......well I guess we loved each other?

"I love you Lyson." I guess that answers my question.

"Haha. I do too."

~Harry's POV~

I was watching as Taron and Niall kissed. I felt like I was falling for her. Then Louis and Lyson. Adorable together. But I had a feeling she really really did love him. And he might just be using her to forget Eleanor? I sighed. Louis better not just break Lyson's heart. She's like a sister to me.

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