Chapter 9

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I was running and running until I finally got tired. I had no idea where in the city I was. I finally decided to sit down. I  was tired. In the city. I knew no one. Now I really wished I hadn't left. I cried on to my knees as I was against the wall of a store. I took a deap breath.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Hey are you ok?"

I looked up and saw a nice lady. "Yea."

She stood there. "You seem cold. I should get you something to eat."

I looked back down. "It's fine. Can I ask you something?"


"Have you seen a girl with brown longish hair with light brown eyes and somewhat tan skin?"

She thought about it. "She's at my apartment. She seemed to be hurt."

My eyes went wide. "Can I come see her?" I asked slowly.

"Why of course." She helped me up and we both walked towards where she lived. At least now I actaully knew someone. I walked with her looking around. Wow. I'm lucky I met someone like her. We made to her house after having a small conversation.

"Lyson!" I shouted as I saw her.

"Taron!" We ran in and hugged. "I thought you were gonna stay!"

"Not for one million dollars." She smiled to my comment.

"Well there's and extra bedroom with one queen size bed. You two can sleep in there."

We both smiled at the lady. "Thank you." We walked over to her bedroom for maybe some type of gossip or something.

I jumped on to the bed at the same time she did. "So....?" I asked.

She laughed. "My life sucks."

I sighed. "Shut up."

"Well.......why'd you go?"

I looked away. "You really  don't wanna know."

She slapped my arm. "Yes I do! Now spill!"

"I punched Louis. And well yea all that happened."

Her jaw dropped. "Really!? How could you!"

"Lyson you can't feel sorry for him! He cheated on you! You can't possibly feel anything for him now!" I started shouting at her by this point.

"I don't!" She shouted back.

"What about  you and Niall?"

I rolled my eyes, slapping my hands on to the bed looking back at her. "I'm done with him! He has trust issues."

"Calm down!" She shouted.

"No! You know what!? Don't even mention their stupid names!" I shouted. I was extra pissed at this point.

"You don't have to be so rude about it!"

I responded quickly. "Yes I do! You don't seem to understand shit!" I was standing up yelling at her.

"Your such a bitch Taron!" She yelled.

I got wide eyes. Not knowing what to say. I felt like crying. I gave up my almost to be perfect life for her, and that's what she comes to me with. "I-I.....I'm gonna go. Sorry for being a bitch in your life. Be happy." I told her grabbing my sweatshirt walking out of the room putting it on.

"Taro-" I shut the door on her. I didn't wanna hear anything else.

"Wher you going?" The nice lady asked.

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