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joshua watched his siblings run off once he unlocked the car doors. he never understood why they seemed so scared about coming to school but then seem so happy once they actually get there, he decided not to overthink about it. after grabbing his bag and making sure his car was locked, joshua made his way up to the entrance. there were two entrances, of course, a fence divided them and even though it wasn't the best protection at least it was something.

joshua barely gave a passing glance to the demons once he reached the door. it was intimidating when joshua started ninth grade but once he got used to it, it barely bothered him. cool air blasted him in the face and was met with large black letters plastered on the wall reading "HUMANS'" with an arrow underneath pointing to the left and if joshua looked to his right, a clear glass barrier blocked his way and the same lettering on the wall but except it said "DEMONS'" and the arrow pointing to the right. joshua never understood why they had to make it clear to which way they had to go when there was a literal barrier stopping them from doing so.

classes strictly started at eight and if you were even just a second late once the bell rang, detention was coming your way faster than you can blink and if it wasn't bad enough, joshua's locker was at the clear back of the school and was dead ass right next to the other barrier. just his luck, huh? after checking the time and making sure he had enough time to walk his ass all the way to his locker without being late to his first class, joshua started his journey. to other people, the thought of being close to demons because of their locker was right next to the only thing from stopping them from being tormented by them, they would just completely ignore going to their locker but joshua didn't really have a choice. every class each had their own book and none of them was light so instead of carrying all of them in his bag, joshua grabbed his first few classes books before switching them out at lunch for the others. it wasn't such a bulletproof plan but it worked for the first two years so he wasn't changing it.

there was also a specific demon his locker was close to, joshua didn't know his name but the demon seemed to be one of the popular kids because he always had a group of them crowded around his locker first thing in the morning and it definitely didn't help joshua. that was probably the only problem he had with his locker but he did wish he had one of those "shy" demons instead of the popular one.

surprisingly, the other side was completely barren except for a couple of demons and joshua was just thankful he didn't have to deal with them.

the warning bell signalled that they had a few more minutes before class started and joshua sighed, today was officially the first day of hell and joshua was totally not ready.


there was no surprise that joshua had homework on the very first day and from every single class, it was even like this on the last week of school.

as joshua was packing his school books away, a knock on the glass startled him and made him drop his bag. red eyes met his and joshua rolled his eyes, he really didn't want to be messed with at the moment. the demon wasn't phased by it and just smirked, making joshua roll his eyes once again.

"fuck off." joshua spat as he zipped up his bag and threw it over his shoulders, not even waiting for a response from the red-eyed bastard and left. demons were the complete bane of his existent and wanted nothing to do with them.

he met his siblings at the front of the school and headed off to his car.

"did you know that ashley has a crush on one of the demons?" jordan blurted out with a smirk on his face. ashley gasped and smacked jordan on the shoulder.

"no I don't!" she said, giving jordan a death glare to which he easily gave back.

"joshie?" abigial said, "what's wrong with dating a demon?"

abigail was joshua's favourite sibling since she was the youngest and more easily the easiest to talk to.

joshua looked at the rear-view mirror to see all of them staring back at him, making him groan.

"a lot of things, just ignore them ok? they'll leave you alone eventually."

his siblings seemed satisfied with the answer and went back to talking, leaving joshua alone to think about his response.

maybe he should follow his own advice.

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