¡ seventeen !

109 7 4

how the hell do you end a chapter?

have this for now :)


It felt like he was floating on a cloud, a very soft texture cradling his skin and a sweet aroma filled his senses. Everything was drenched white and light was coming from somewhere but Josh couldn't locate the exact spot, it felt like he was slowly being lifted to heaven.

A scream ripped from the back of his throat as the cloud disappeared and gravity came crashing down.

Everything turned black.


A loud gasp spilled from his lips and his eyes shot open. His vision was blurry and his throat felt dry.

What the hell happened?

"He's awake!" A voice screamed from somewhere and Josh had to physically cover his ears.

His body felt like he was drowned in lava and left to burn, he couldn't move his legs and he felt so numb but he could feel something trickling down his arms and abdomen. A cold, rugged texture pressed against his forehead, and water was forced down his throat. A loud cry was ripped from his lips as a very tight pressure encased his legs and lower stomach, voices from around him shushed him quietly and continued to tell him reassuring words.

Tears were kissing his eyelashes as something was pricked into his arm and fuck did it sting so bad. Lights surround him and people shaped blurs moved in and out of frame.

Where the hell was he?

All he could hear was his labored breathing and his blood rushing in his ears but it felt like the world just stopped and everything turned black. It wasn't until electrifying shocks shot through his body that he realized he flatlined but the weight of his lungs pumping air through them sent shivers down his spine.

He's alive and in pain, his body felt like it was dropped from an airplane and he didn't have a parachute.

Then everything went black once again.


The steady rate of his heartbeat is what Josh woke up to, thankfully the lights were off and the curtains were closed. He could make out two silhouettes of people across the room sleeping on a small couch but didn't have the energy to wake them. He tried to look around but all he could see is darkness and the only thing he could see was the faint redline monitoring his heart rate.

He still felt mentally and physically drained and his limbs protested every time he moved them.

A loud gasp jolted him out of his trance and in a blink of an eye a lamp was flicked on and a person sat next to him with a smile, who was this person?

"Hey, J, you're awake, how are you feeling?" The person asked timidly as if he was scared to talk any louder.

Josh only made a rough noise since his throat still hurt and physically felt like someone shoved sandpaper down his throat but the guy jumped on that note very quickly and went to get water. A small moan hummed out his throat once a refreshing liquid slid down his throat, his eyes might've rolled back a little bit but he pretended that didn't happen.

Coughing a little bit, Josh swallowed the rest of the water and let the person take the cup away. It was quiet after that but after Josh found his voice, he broke the silence, "W-Who are you?"

A look of guilt and sadness washed over the person's face in a matter of seconds and tears quickly filled their eyes, "You don't remember me?"

Josh looked at the persons face closely, from the butterscotch eyes to the small freckles dusted across their face, to the light brown hair swapped over their left eye to the small but plump lips being entrapped by crooked but oddly fitting teeth.

Then it hit him.

"Ryan?" The mysterious person turned out to be his best friend, the one who's always been there for Josh through thick and thin.

Ryan let out a quiet sob as he covered his mouth to conceal his noises, nodding his head as he swallowed the lump forming in his throat, "Y-Yeah, it's me. God, J, you scared me, I thought you weren't going to make it."

Josh raised an eyebrow at that but decided not to question. It took a while but Ryan finally calmed down, a small smile etched across his face, "I probably should get a doctor, they told me to immediately call them once you woke up."


It felt like hours before the doctor finally left, letting Josh breathe without having someone watching his every move. Every once and a while the doctor took Ryan out of the room but Ryan never let his expression change, always softly smiling at Josh whenever he came back into the room.

The other person Ryan was sleeping with, it took more than two hours before Josh finally remembered that it was Brendon with the way he was acting around Ryan.

The doctor told him he has amnesia but in small amounts, over a few months to maybe even a few years, his memory will slowly come back to him. The doctor told him he was lucky to remember his friends because people in his scenario took more than five months to remember.

No one told him what happened or how he got into this situation but for right now, Josh was completely fine with that.

"Wanna watch some Disney movies? I brought only your favorites." Ryan asked excitedly, digging out three movies from his bag and holding them so Josh could see.

Josh smiled faintly, "That would be amazing, thanks, Ry."

Ryan only smiled in return.


Halfway through "beauty and the beast" Josh squeezed Ryan's hand to get his attention which didn't take long, "How long was I out?"

Ryan's smile fell to a frown, a distance look glazing over his eyes as if he had to think, "They didn't know how long you'd be out for but I think about two weeks."

Josh's eyes widened at that, "Really? W-What happened?"

Ryan quickly tugged his bottom lip between his teeth and looked away for a second before looking back at Josh, "They want you to remember so I can't tell you, I think it's best for you to remember by yourself than hear it from someone's point of view."

Josh nodded his head, if what happened traumatized him so bad to the point he got amnesia then it's best for his memory to recover than forcing himself to remember what happened.

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