¡ ten !

183 13 5

I don't know how to end a chapter, so have this :)


Even though Joshua was still suspended he was still allowed to go to basketball games. Ryan had to go to and suggested that Joshua came along, Joshua only agreed because he feels lonely without the brunet around. So here they were, Joshua holding tightly to Ryan's hand as one of the demons scored a three-pointer and tied the game. It was only the first quarter and it never takes lone for one of these games to get heated so nobody raised a brow when a fight starts.

Ryan groaned, "Really? This shit gets old fast." Joshua just nodded his head and grimaced when one of the players got thrown across the room. The demon side started to hoot and holler while most of the humans just rolled their eyes and started to leave, Ryan decided to follow along since Brendon texted him saying that he was already outside and to hurry the hell up. Joshua followed like a small child as people jostled their way towards the exit but Ryan stopped halfway and changed direction, which caused most people to bump into them and give them a few choice words.

"Where are we going?" His question fell to deaf ears as Ryan continued to lure him towards their lockers, squeaking in surprise when the brunet forced him to stand right in front of the glass barrier.

"Stay here and don't move." Joshua couldn't respond since Ryan was already gone and he let out a sigh, jumping forward while letting out a scream when a loud bang resonated through the halls and the glass behind him shattered. 'Oh god, deja vu all over again' Joshua thought to himself as he looked back to see...Tyler? The barrier was nothing but crystals on the floor, leaving Joshua completely vulnerable for Tyler.

"Looks like we meet again," The demon smirked, crossing the small distance, "I missed seeing your face in the halls, it's no fun not having someone to torment every day."

Joshua scrunched up his nose and jerked away from Tyler's touch, "Yeah, I bet it was so sad not having me around to mentally scar." The brunet's smirk was still evident as he forcefully grabbed Joshua's wrist and made their chests flushed together, Joshua shivered at how cold Tyler was and let out a pained whimper when Tyler's free hand cupped his chin and forced him to look up.

"It's ok, baby, I'm not going to hurt you." Joshua was a good inch or two shorter than Tyler so the brunet had to dip his head down, the lips of the demon ghosting over his and Joshua didn't know whether to be scared or not but when Tyler barley pressed their lips together, the dark-haired boy eagerly kissed back. Joshua didn't know what was going on with him and was morally surprised at how good Tyler was at kissing but his brain started to short-circuit when Tyler licked over his bottom lip and Joshua couldn't help but let out a small moan when Tyler's tongue massaged his.

Joshua didn't know how long they stood there kissing softly but when Tyler decided to slip his hand underneath his shirt, that's when Joshua snapped out of it and pulled back; his lips tingling as he looked away from the demon's stare, "We gotta stop."

"Sure about that? Because you seemed to really enjoy it." As to prove his point, Tyler presses his obvious hard-on against Joshua's and the dark-haired boy stifled a moan and grabbed tightly to Tyler's arms, getting a smirk from the demon.

Tyler continued to tease the boy, watching as Joshua tried to form words but to only stop himself by letting out sweet little moans that had Tyler wanting to just press the boy up against the lockers and have his way with him but Tyler refrained if he only had enough time as he could faintly hear footsteps coming their way.

"Sorry, baby, but maybe next time." Tyler gave Joshua a wink before pulling back and leaving.

Joshua raised a brow as he silently panted but his question was answered when a pair of arms wrapped around his waist and a voice filled his ears, "Sorry 'bout that, another fight was forming at the exit and I didn't want us to be in the midd-what the fuck happened to the barrier?"

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