¡ nine !

175 11 4

short chapter?? idk but here's an update since I wanted to update at least one book, so here you go angels.


Ryan skipped school the next day and declared they were staying at his house, Joshua agreed instantly even though Ryan didn't ask but basically demanded. Ryan's parents didn't even blink an eye when they came and just asked if Joshua wanted some breakfast, he denied saying he already ate but thanked them anyway.

"No problem dear," Ryan's mother said with a smile, "but if you do want some just holler for me."

Joshua thanked her again before letting Ryan take him upstairs. It was a lot nicer then Brendon's place by a long shot and having Ryan with him made it way better.

"I'm so gonna beat your ass in Mario Kart," Ryan said with a cocky smile whilst holding up two Wii controllers, tossing one to Joshua before digging out the wheels that went along with it.

Joshua rolled his eyes, "Yeah, right. We both know I'm going to win."

Ryan scoffed at that and shoulder bumped Joshua once he got settled on the bed, "Will just see about that."


Joshua did win. Twice.

Ryan fake pouted when he watched Joshua cross the finish line once again in first place before barreling his way in sixth. Joshua gave the brunet a side smirk, "Told you."

Ryan crossed his arms and continued to pout, obviously he knew Joshua was going to win, he just likes to play a faux facade so they have an excuse to go get ice cream. It worked every time and when Ryan noticed Joshua digging out his wallet, the brunet smiled to himself.

"You're lucky I'm in the mood for a cookie dough blizzard," Joshua muttered out while watching Ryan's fist bump the air.

Ryan smiled and turned off his tv, "Yeah well you probably should just say no when I bring up the idea of playing Mario Kart, you already know how it ends."

Joshua shrugged at that, "Well, I just like seeing you get upset at the idea that you can beat me in Mario Kart."

Ryan gasped and placed a hand over his heart, pretending to wipe away a fake tear before leaving the room with his head down. He was only half-way out the door before Joshua stopped him with a chuckle, "You are such a drama queen, oh my god."

"Yeah, well don't you forget it," Ryan said as he turned around and pretending to flip back his hair, "now are we getting ice cream or not?"


Ryan was practically on a sugar high once they got back to the brunet's house and watching Ryan run around like a child had Joshua a little on edge. Last time they got ice cream, Ryan believed he could fly and jumped off the roof, luckily they had a trampoline and Ryan landed safely with a few high bounces. While Ryan repeatedly asked Joshua if he saw it, the dark-haired boy had to physically leave Ryan's house before coming back a few hours later and giving Ryan a lesson of why jumping off the roof was a terrible idea.

It only lasted a few minutes before Ryan asked if he could do it again and Joshua literally left his room to go find the brunet's mother to go fix her son.

Joshua gave out a sigh of relief when Ryan crashed from his sugar high and passed out on his bed.

You do not want to see Ryan on Halloween. He acts like a kid on freaking drugs and literally won't sleep for a week. Joshua once threatened Ryan that he couldn't go trick or treating (even though they were both seventeen) if he didn't stop eating so much candy, Ryan gasped and told Joshua he wouldn't do that which Joshua replayed with "watch me". Yeah, Ryan wasn't allowed to go out on Halloween that year which lead to the brunet promising he wouldn't go overboard on sweets. Joshua had to make Ryan pinky promise that which he reluctantly agreed to.

Coming back to reality, Joshua decided it was time to go to bed since he knew Ryan was going to be up in the wee hours of morning complaining about eating so much candy, also because it was nearing eleven and Joshua at least wanted to get some sleep before dealing with the brunet. Rolling Ryan over to the other side, Joshua stripped himself from his jeans before climbing in. Whispering a 'good night' to Ryan which Ryan just replied with slurred words of "give me Mr. Teddy back" Joshua drifted off to sleep.

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