¡ three !

333 17 2

I skipped homework to write this chapter and to start writing a new chapter for inconvenient.

Also, have a long chapter because I've had this one planned out for so long and wanted to get it all out.

Ily guys ❤️


when joshua heard there was a basketball game in the evening, he already knew he wasn't going but, his best friend ryan promised him that if he went he'd find a boyfriend. joshua knew this was just a trick to get him out of the house but he also knew that if he refused to go, ryan would constantly annoy him and would brag about how he got his boyfriend by actually leaving the house like a normal human being. last time that happened, joshua ignored ryan for two whole weeks. so instead of having a round two, joshua reluctantly agreed and blocked out ryan's cheers.

"yeah yeah, just pick me up at six-thirty and don't make me regret coming." ryan just laughed, grabbing joshua's shoulders and looking directly into his eyes.

"trust me, you won't regret it."

boy did joshua wish he believed those words.


with a red and white jersey hanging loosely around his waist paired with black jeans, joshua and ryan watched from atop the bleachers. the jersey actually belonged to ryan's boyfriend (who wasn't playing because of an injury) and ryan would've worn it but he just explained that they won't on speaking terms and handed it over to joshua. at first, joshua was hesitant to put it on but ryan promised it was ok and that they weren't going to break up just because he was wearing it.

"promise?" ryan burst out laughing and playfully slapped joshua on the shoulder.

"I just fucking promised you! oh my god yes it's completely fine, brendon's chilling at home anyways so he won't know." joshua just nodded his head and tugged at it, the soft material was probably the only reason why he actually put it on.

joshua never understood why there were basketball games when it was only between people and demons, never out of town teams or anything. both sides were as equally good since demons weren't allowed to use any of there powers, even though rules were broken here and there, but it wasn't as fun or exciting as it should be. as always, the bleachers were divided into two sections and if anyone tried to go to the other side, ISS was instantly given to them.

joshua boredly watched his team take away the ball and easily score, making the points tied. it always came down to a tiebreaker, that's what ryan would say, and would go into overtime more often than not. sometimes it got really annoying for every game going into overtime so most time it just ends up being a tie.

joshua groaned when he heard his stomach growl loud, making ryan giggle.

"hungry?" ryan said through giggles as joshua pressed his hand to his stomach.

joshua nodded his head, "starving, probably shouldn't have skipped supper."

"well," ryan started, "I got some food in my locker if you want to go get some."

joshua didn't question why his friend had food stored in his locker and nodded his head, "wanna come with me?"

he figured ryan would've said yes since his boyfriend wasn't here but was surprised when ryan shook his head, "I can't, brendon wants me to keep him updated with the game and if he finds out that I missed some of it, he's going to punish me for a week and I really don't want that to happen again."

joshua held back a sigh, he really didn't want to roam the halls alone but he also didn't want to starve for another hour or two so instead, he said, "it's ok, I can go by myself."

ryan seemed a little guilty when he noticed joshua's expression, "I mean, if you want to, I can come with if you want."

joshua shook his head, "it's fine and besides, I kind of want you to walk normally instead of making me feel guilty to see you limp for a whole week."

ryan just laughed and pushed joshua over to the stairs, making him giggle himself and head out. once the door closed behind him, joshua was plunged into darkness and instantly started to walk. luckily ryan's locker was right next to his and luckily the gym wasn't far from it so he didn't have to walk for too long. joshua dug out his phone and turned on the flashlight, only having to walk for a few minutes before his flashlight reflected off the barrier and he was standing in front of his friend's locker. combination engraved into his mind, joshua easily opened up the locker and looked in. severely bags of goldfish, different variety of chips, and a container of brownies caught his eye and he bent down to inspect them.

before he could make a decision, a small screeching noise caught his attention and he looked back to see something shiny cutting through the glass. curious, joshua pointed his phone over to it and once light set on it, the small object dropped and a huge chunk of glass fell forward and completely shattered once it hit the floor. you know the saying "curiosity killed the cat"? well, joshua felt really curious and before he could stop himself, he slowly stood up and walked through the shattered barrier. a huge wave of cold air hit him and made him shiver, he was so used to warm halls and classrooms.

a corner came into view and joshua slowed down, cautiously peeking over to make sure no one was there before continuing. joshua didn't know what he was doing or why he was there but a small, quiet voice kept luring him in and he couldn't resist. a creaking noise over to his left made him swivel to it and he watched a door slowly open up, with his heart beating rapidly against his chest, joshua walked through the door and was met a dull classroom and closed black curtains. joshua looked over to see a small piece of chalk float into the air and start to write on the chalkboard, his eyes widened when the chalk dropped to the floor and a greeting written for him to see.


joshua didn't know if he should reply back or just up and leave but he was in to deep at this point, so instead he muttered out a small hello back and left the classroom, only to see another door open up in front of him. joshua completely forgot about his hunger and entered the room, just to see another piece of chalk rise up and start to write out another response.

"name's tyler, what's yours?"

joshua jumped in surprise when the door slammed shut and lock, "shit!"

he knew it was pointless to try and open it but he honestly didn't care at this point and started to harshly pull at the handle, muttering out curses and slowly turning around, only to be met with a demon or tyler leaning against the desk with a smirk.

"you know, I never really expected to actually get a human lured in here but I guess you never really know until you try." joshua didn't even try to come up with a response as tyler backed him up against the door.

red eyes glinted in the dark when joshua looked into them, making tyler smirk, "what's got you so... scared? you do know that not all demons are mean but what is your name if I may ask?"

joshua closed his eyes to break eye contact and took a deep breath, "joshua but I prefer josh."

joshua opened his eyes to see tyler smiling at him and felt cold fingers glide softly up his neck, making him shiver and jolt away.

tyler smiled even more, "if only we had more time together joshua but it appears we have company."

joshua instantly looked behind his shoulder to see a light coming around the corner and excitement was running through his veins, joshua jumped in surprise when he felt a soft kiss planted below his ear and gentle words whispered, "until then joshua," and when he looked back, tyler was gone and the door was unlocked.

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