¡ fifteen !

144 11 10

suspense motherfuckers haha

gotta wait till next chapter to found out what happened ;)

don't hate me please I-

(Ryan's POV)

Ryan contemplated finding Josh when he didn't show up for any of his classes and was nowhere to be seen. It was hard for the brunet to focus on anything without knowing where his best friend was, which resulted in him getting detention for not paying attention and sassing back at the teachers but that was the least of Ryan's worries.

He came close to breaking down a few times but luckily Brendon was with him and quickly eluded the problem.

"What happened anyway?" Brendon asked nonchalantly as if losing your best friend was no big deal.

Ryan held back a sob, "We got into a fight."

Brendon's head snapped in his direction with very wide eyes, "You guys? Fighting? Didn't know those words could be used together, who started it?"

Ryan fidgeted with his fingers and bit his bottom lip, avoiding eye contact as he looked anywhere else then Brendon. The raven-haired boy raised an eyebrow, cogs turning in his head and there should've been a light bulb above his head when his eyes went wide and he gasped.

"Oh my god, it was you wasn't it?" Brendon pressed. Ryan flinched under his gaze and felt tears well up in his eyes.

"I-I didn't mean to..." The brunet muttered out with a few tears slipping down his face.

It didn't take long for Brendon to realize that those were definitely not the words to use and immediately pulled his now sobbing boyfriend into his lap.

(pfft I should probably mention that they're at Ryan's house)

"It's ok baby, I know you didn't mean to," Brendon said while softly rubbing Ryan's back. It was hard for Ryan to form any words with how hard he was crying so instead he just cuddled closer to Brandon, letting out a few hiccups which Brendon silently cooed at.

"Do you have any ideas of where he's at?" Brendon thought aloud.

Ryan shook his head at that. He had no idea where Josh could be, they didn't have any special place to hide at and Ryan knows Josh doesn't have any other friends except for him.

And then it hit him.

When Josh left the car he immediately went straight to the wired fence. It didn't take a scientist to understand why. Ryan watched Josh talk to a demon and gasped when he saw both of them disappear.

"Demons," Ryan muttered out with wide eyes.

Brendon raised an eyebrow, "What?"

"Demons!" Ryan exclaimed as he shot out of his boyfriend's lap and started to pace, "He's with a demon, Bren but where?! And why?! Why would Josh hang out with a demon?"

Brendon watched Ryan intently, "How do you know that?"

Ryan gripped his hair and let out an agitated sigh, "Because I saw him talking to one this morning after our fight and I watched them disappear."

"What did he look like?" Ryan looked at Brendon with a confused expression, Brendon rolled his eyes.

"I play basketball against them for a living, Ry, maybe if you told me a description of him I could possibly tell you who he is." Ryan stopped his pacing and thought.

He didn't get a good look at the demon but he saw some stuff, "Um, he has brown hair and he's like an inch or two taller than Josh."

Brendon thought for a moment, "Any more details?"

Ryan shook his head, "I couldn't see that far."

"Well," Brendon started, "that does kind of narrow down the list but I still need more information. I can ask my friends though, we had basketball practice after school and they told me one wasn't there."

Ryan let out a sigh, a worried expression etched onto his face, "I hope he's ok, should we tell his parents?"

Brendon shook his head, "Definitely not, you know very well they'll ground his ass instead of listening to his side of the story."

"Oh, yeah right, I forgot about that," Ryan mumbled as he started to chew on the sleeves of his sweatshirt, a habit he picked up when he gets nervous.

Brendon noticed immediately and gently took the fabric out from Ryan's mouth, "Don't be nervous, baby, I'm sure he's fine. If it'll make you feel better we can go talk to my friends, I'm pretty sure they'll know who the demon is."

Ryan looked deeply into his boyfriend's eyes and sighed, "Ok."

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