¡ twenty one !

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Josh couldn't put it into words how relieved he was when the weekend came but the added factor of homework dulled his mood, thankfully he had Ryan, but Ryan said he was only going to help so much.

The urge to be around Tyler was unbearable at times but the brunet had given him a few sweatshirts of his and that seems to work for the time being, Ryan calls it more or less a miracle.

It came to the point that Ryan lived with Josh now, even though Ryan didn't even say he was going to move in. Ryan's mother has a vague idea of why her son is living with his best friend, but she knows that Ryan isn't the one to lie about where he's at and he does come home every once and awhile, so she doesn't mind.

"What do you want to start with? I'd say we should start with math and go on from there," Ryan stated as he picked up Josh's bag and plopped it down on the sort of-messy desk.

Josh only shrugged. Today wasn't a good day, Josh felt it the moment he woke up. He smothered himself with one of the sweatshirts and cocooned himself within his blankets. He hasn't moved since this morning.

Ryan sighed. He knows he can't force Josh to do his homework, but it has to be done, or else Josh will fail his classes and Ryan is not about to let that happen.

"Look, how about I let you see... Tyler after we finish, how's that sound?" Ryan knows he has a win-win situation here since he knows Josh isn't going to pass up to see the demon, so he wasn't surprised when Josh groaned and tumbled his way out of the blankets with a pout resting on his face.

"I don't like it when you use that against me."

Ryan smiled and pulled the chair out, "I know but I don't trick you with it and you know that come on, I'll text him while you're doing your work."


It took longer than it needed to, but Josh got his work done. Ryan had let him take breaks because he knows he can't overwork the boy so about 20-minute breaks were enforced.

"Alright, that was the last of it, are you ready?"

Josh only nodded; he didn't feel like talking. Ryan did the same and took Josh's hand, leading him downstairs where Josh's mother sat quietly in the living room. Laura looked up and smiled at the boys, "Hey boys, going somewhere?"

Ryan returned the smile and nodded, "Yeah, Josh finished his homework so I'm going to treat him with some ice cream."

Laura "awed" at that, "That's sweet, well, be careful and have fun."

Ryan said their goodbyes, grabbed the keys from the kitchen, and headed out. Josh looked at him with a raised brow at the mention of ice cream and Ryan laughed, "Don't worry, I technically didn't lie since I am going to get you ice cream but after we see Tyler."

Josh hummed at that and huddled into the car once Ryan opened the door for him. Fiddling with his fingers and clutching fists full of the soft sweatshirt, Josh sunk into the seat and smiled when Ryan played "Good Riddance (time of your life)". It may not relate to what's happening in the present time, but it was more of a comfort song (a little weird, right?) for Josh, plus, it's just a soft gentle song.

"Why can't we get some now?"

Ryan looked over at the sound of Josh's voice after he put the keys in the ignition and shrugged, "I guess we could get it now; I just think it'd be better to get it afterward, you know, to prove to your mom we did get ice cream."

Josh giggled at that and nodded his head.

"I can wait."


Tyler's house was the last place they should've been, but Tyler wasn't allowed to leave unless it was for school and basketball practice. Ryan wasn't a big fan of it but came in, eyeing Tyler from his peripheral vision before letting Josh in who immediately jumped into the waiting arms of said brunet.

"Hey baby."

Ryan would've cringed at that if it wasn't his best friend, but he also couldn't deny how cute it was and hearing Josh giggle at it made it even cuter. Ryan stood there silently while the two had their moment, ignoring the stares Tyler's parents burned into him and stuffing his hands in his jean pockets. He didn't want to ruin whatever was going on between them, but the brunet's parents looked like they were going to snap any second and Ryan did not want to see that but luckily Tyler ushered them to his room at that moment, causing Ryan to let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.

The room was different, Ryan didn't know if he should be relieved or not. Ryan kept his gaze down low and maneuvered his way towards a group of bean bag chairs sitting quietly in the middle of the room. Tyler turned the tv on that sat perched on the wall and handed Ryan the remote, Ryan took it and ignored Tyler's stare.

He didn't want to watch tv, he didn't want to be here. He couldn't look up without seeing Josh's body laying lifeless in a puddle of his own blood.

Tyler knew bringing Ryan down here was a bad idea, the room's atmosphere changed the moment Ryan walked in and Tyler felt so much guilt pooling in his stomach. Josh had fallen asleep as soon as he hit the bed so now was the perfect opportunity to talk to him.

"Ryan, I'm....so sorry." It was more of a whisper, but he could tell Ryan had heard him with the way his body stiffened. Tyler wasn't good at apologizing, he just hoped he put enough sincerity in his voice.

Ryan swallowed a whimper forming in his throat. He knows Tyler is sorry, he can tell just by the brunet's body language whenever him and Josh go over to Tyler's house. Ryan didn't look up but responded, "I know, I just don't like being here. To many bad memories."

"Still seeing it?"

Ryan nodded, "I can't get it out of my head."

"I hope you know that it's never going to happen again, I promise you that." Ryan couldn't force out a response without choking up, so he nodded, knowing that Tyler was telling the truth.

Silence draped over them after that. Tyler laid down next to Josh and fallen asleep, leaving Ryan to his thoughts.

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