we broke the rules

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This is a longer chapter: almost 2000 words. Alot of tea happens. Its slightly dramatic but would it be a wattpad story if it wasn't dramatic? Enjoy

Finally we make it to the frat house. It's already bad. Cups everywhere, blowing away. Toilet paper on trees. People making out on the stairs.

If you look up at one of the windows to what I'm assuming is a bed room. You will see a girl, naked pressed against the window, flashing everyone her tits. While the guy behind her fucks her sense less.

When I look away Anthony's eyes are attached to it. I roll my eyes before Anthony bumps into my side. "You and me?" I know exactly what he was referring to.

"Not here" I say slightly disgusted. "Worth a try" he bit his lip. "Hey hey hey get off my fake girlfriend" parker stepped between us. "She has a fake boyfriend" he takes my hand and I cant stop laughing.

Isabelle and diego pull up. Her hair Is a mess and she's reapplying makeup the mirror. His shirts unbuttoned half way. They very obviously had sex. When she fumbles out she smiled. "Hows my hair?"

I roll my eyes and pull the ponytail off my wrist and hand it to her. "Thank you" she blew a kiss at me. "Why are you guys standing out here?" Diego asked as he walked around the car.

"We just showed up" I shrugged. "Told you we wouldn't be late" Diego held isabelles hand. She pulled it away. "That just proves how long you last"

"Ouch" parker tapped diegos shoulder before me and him walk in. I cant hear anything. "I'm gonna find a bath room" parker looked around. "What?" "A bath room" I still, gave him a cofused look. He pulled put his phone.

P: I'm gonna find a bathroom
Me: and leave me here???
P:there right there

He pointed some distance behind us. No one was paying attention but I could make it over there with out getting lost.

I give him a thumbs up. When I turn back to start walking something gets really close to the side of my face. When I look my lips met parker's. Shit.

He both pulled away as soon as it happened. Parker pulled his phone out again.

P:I'm sorry
P: it was supposed to be your cheek
P:I didnt mean it
P: Anthony's going to kill me
Me: we have to tell him
Me: the more we wait
Me: the madder he'll be
P: I just have to pee man
P: I didnt ask for this
Me:stop making me smile
Me: were not gonna live to see tomorrow
Me: this shouldn't be funny
P: what should we do
Me: I'll tell him
Me:you pee

I look over at him "really?" I read on his lips. "Go" I shrug him off and head In Anthony's direction. I feel on the edge of tears. When I get there hes gone. So much for not getting los- I see the familiar boy in the corner of my eye.

When i turn hes going up the stairs. There's a girl behind him. There not holding hands or even talking. They must be going to different places. Right?

My heart sinks more then it already was. I grab a cup from someone's hand and down it. It was straight liquor. My throught burned as the girl turned to me. "That was my fucking drink" "sorry" I hand the cup back to her.

I walk in the direction of the stairs. The pain from my through mixed with guilt pierce my eyes with tears. I but my lip as I slowly ascend up the stairs. When I get up there. Hes standing there, talking to a girl. "Olivia?" He looks over her shoulder.

~Anthony's pov~
"Thank you" I smile at the girl showing me the bathroom. "Of course, it's this way" we walk up the stairs together and down the hall.

"Were here" "thanks again" I knocked on the door. "Hello?" "Sorry dude" the voice sounded familiar.

"I guess I'll keep you company till he leaves" he smiled. I'm not gonna lie I'm getting weird vibes. "Uh.. okay" she started talking about her 'pain in the ass ex boyfriend' while I thought about Olivia. I cant wait till we leave.

A Dare//Anthony ReevesWhere stories live. Discover now