i forgot i wasnt supposed to say anything

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When I wake up I open Anthony's texts from last night. I must have been sleeping when I got them
A:olivia please
A:fuck I'm so hard
A: can I come over
A: are you sleeping?????
A: baby
A: i need you
Damn. Did he try to sext me? I mean weve never sexted before but then again weve never had to hide our relationship.

I get dressed and head for Anthony's. We decided that we'd ride together. I have a feeling that's going to happen alot more often because it's our only alone time. I don't wanna say that were hiding our relationship from our friends but were cutting everything back way down. I don't need isabelle running to my mom as soon as shes mad at me.

Anthony comes out side and hes slightly mad. As soon as he got in his hand intertwined with mine. "I love you" "I love you too? Are you okay?" I ask as he started playing with my fingers.

"My dad talked to me about us" he sighed. "And???" "He said exactly what you told me" he kissed my hand. There was some silence as I pulled out and started driving.

"So I uh... got your texts" I smiled, not looking at him. His face got red and he cover it with his hands. "I'm sorry" "it's okay Anthony" I smile more. "You were supposed to be awake" "yeah I kinda got that"

"I'm sorry" he said again as he kissed my cheek. "Anthony dont be sorry..." I hold his hand. "..It was kinda hot" I squeezed his hand and he bit his lip. "Good" he took his hand from mine and put it on my thigh.

I pull into a school parking spot and take the key out of the ignition. "I love you" "I love you too" he kisses me again. He deepens the kiss.

We probably shouldn't while everyone else can see. Still we continue. Anthony attempted to pull me over the center council but there was knock on the door making us jump away from each other. Parker.

"Can you guys get out of each other?" His voice was muffled through the window. Anthony flips him off and turns back to me but im already out of the car. I dust off my jeans.

"Hey" I smile an awkward smile. "Hi" he said just as awkward. "You guys seem..." "jail made him horny and hes been all over me" I roll my eyes. "Ew" parker smiled.

"Oh shut up parker we all know you'd like to get in her pants too" Anthony slammed the door as he got out. "What?" Parkers eyes widened. "Oh sorry I forgot I wasnt supposed to say anything" Anthony mocked.

"Dont be an ass" I took a step towards parker and Anthony walked closer. "It was a joke" Anthony put his hands on my arms. "Clearly" I shake him off and walk inside.

What the hell? He seemed fine literally five minutes ago.

~time skip~
Gyms almost over and I'm running my final lap on the outside track. Suddenly there's some one catching up to me. Anthony.

"Are you gonna talk to me at all?" "Are you gonna stop being an ass?" "It was a joke olivia" "yeah, a bad one" as I finish the lap I run back into the building and I'm still being followed.

"Why do you even care so much?" He asked as I drowned my self in the water fountain. "because he clearly was uncomfortable Anthony. Hes your bestfriend" "olivia I wasnt lieing when I said he wants to get in your pants" he said it in a tone as if that's supposed to make me mad at parker.

"And you dont?" "That's different. I'm your boyfriend" he put his hands on my waist. "No it's actually not" "why because your also dating parker?" He let me go and crossed his arms. "Dont Anthony. You know me and parker arnt dating. You knew we were faking and there were no feelings. You even said that you put us in that position" I poked his chest with my finger on that last you.

"Except for there were feelings. Parker has feelings for yo-" "who cares Anthony? Honestly. Parker knows I'm with you and I already knew parker had feelings" "fine. I'm sorry" he scoffed. "So what's this whole thing about having sex all about" "what do you mean?" "Ever since you got out you've been all over me. And dont get me wrong, it was hot at first. But in the parking lot? And then you tried to keep going even after parker showed up"

"So I'm not aloud to want to have sex. With my girlfriend?" "That's not what I'm saying" "then what are you saying?" "I'm saying that your pushing it Anthony. At first it was nice and everything was great but its starting to feel like that's all you want" I stop looking at him. Instead I'm looking at my hands while anxiously fiddling with my sweatshirt sleeve.

"Olivia" he put his hands on my cheeks. "I didnt mean to make it seem like I just wanted sex. I just want you. I couldn't touch you for a whole day and I had to watch parker touch you, and then I was stuck in that cell for another day and when since I got out i cant even publicly love you. I just wanna love you" he put his hands on my waist.

"Just dial it down. Please" I put my hands on his chest. "I'll try" he but lip before kissing me.

we sit down at lunch. I sit on my side next to parker like I normally am and Anthonys acrossed from me. No ones talking except me. "Anthony fucking apologize" "no" Anthony said as if he did nothing wrong. As if we didnt just have this conversation.

"Olivia he doesn't have to" parker put his hand on my wrist to stop me from making Anthony's arm. "Hey dont-" Anthony smacks parkers hand from mine. "I didn't do anything" parker whined. "Could you both please just st-" "hey olivia?" We all turn to look behind me. "Harry?"

"Yeah. I just wanted to ask if you would like to get lunch today" "dude I would just walk away. This one over here's alittle extra protective today" parker pointed to Anthony. "Shut the fuck up" Anthony hit his hand put of the air.

"I swear their children" I roll my eyes smiling in Harry's direction. "I'll take this as a no. I'll see you in rehearsal?" "Yes. Yes you will" we exchange smile befor he walks away.

When I turn back you the table there both mouthing what I'm assuming is insults. "Dude it's not like shes going to leave you for me. You have nothing to worry about" parker finally spoke out loud and I left me shook. "Actually I have a lot to worry about"

"Oh yeah? Like what?" Parker rolled his eyes. I look around and realize were the only ones at our table. Isabelle, cash, and taylor must have left. "Our parents dont want us together and so now were hiding our relationship from them and I dont ever get to see her unless were at school and I'm scared shes gonna find someone else, someone she can see all the time" Anthony spit out.

All of us were in shock. Anthony didnt look at me. He rubbed his eyes and adjusted his hair before standing up. "I'm sorry. I'm gonna go to my next class" "Anthony" i reach for his hand but hes already gone.

I sink back into the seat. "What the hell is going on?" I fill parker in on everything. My talk with my mom. Anthony's sexts. The talk outside of the gym. "-and then we kissed and everything was fine" you could tell he was slightly uncomfortable.

"Olivia he wasnt lieing when he said I have had feelings. But I dont just wanna get into your pants. Its not like that and I understand that you're with Anthony. Hints why this the first time I said anything besides that one awkward conversation in the car about me wanting to kiss you. I'm sorry"

"Dont apologize for your feelings parker. Its okay" "but have you seen Anthony?" "Although I've never seen him this protective over me or jealous, hell get over it. You're his- our best friend"

The bell rings.

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