Chapter 7

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All of the Gummers had a nice relaxing day. The girls went shopping in town, while Henry and Suzie stayed back with Lilly; and Don and Meryl did the same with the twins. The two couples were looking forward to their Valentine's date nights; however, Don and Meryl were a little nervous about leaving the 3 girls with the 3 babies especially with Lily being so mobile. They talked about it privately and decided they wouldn't be out long. Meryl told Don she wanted to surprise him and made reservations at a very special place for them. It was also just down from their cabin, so that made her feel even better.


Meryl laughed as she went through the clothes Don had packed for her, as she was going through the drawers of their dresser, standing there in her robe. "I don't know if you doing the packing is a good thing."

"Hey now, I packed all warm clothing for the babies." Don said as he stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing her neck. "I packed you all the essentials."

Meryl laughed as she held up all the lingerie. "I think you packed all my lingerie. I can't wear lingerie out to dinner."

"I sure as hell wouldn't complain." Don continued working her neck with his lips and tongue.

Meryl closed her eyes as she threw her head back and lifted her hand to rake her fingers through his hair. "You'd be okay with other men seeing me in my lingerie and boots."

"Fuck no." Don growled possessively before going to the closet and he held up the red dress she had worn for their date night a few weeks ago. "You can wear it under this dress so only I know it's under there."

Meryl smiled as she shook her head. "You didn't pack me a camisole to wear under it. It is kind of low cut."

"Why the hell would I want to cover the girls up any more than they have to be?" Don wiggled his eyebrows at her. "You didn't wear one the other night?"

Meryl walked over to him with a flirtatious saunter. "We are in Maine in February. What if I get cold and need the extra layer?"

"You won't need the extra layer." Don said as he threw the dress on the bed, before pulling her closer to his body. "I will cover your body with mine all night long."

Meryl smiled softly at him. "Thank you."

"For covering your body with mine?" Don teased as he rubbed his body against hers. "I don't want my girl getting hypothermia. Trust me, it will be my pleasure."

Meryl just shook her head with a dirty laugh. "Not that, though I appreciate the sacrifice you are willing to make. I mean this. This place. Our family here. Whisking us away. Being the best damn father and husband in the whole world. You mean more to me than anything."

"In case there is any doubt in your mind, you and the kids mean more to me than anything." Don said with a tender kiss to her lips. "Baby, you don't need to keep thanking me. I did this for me as much as you, because I'm a selfish bastard, and I will use any and every opportunity to get away with you. We have both worked damn hard in life to get where we are, we sacrificed things when the older kids were little. We don't have to with Brady and Mags. Yeah, I know this stage of our lives looks different than we thought; but I think it is better than what we ever thought or imagined it would be like."

Meryl's face just glowed at hearing him say that. "I completely agree. I can't wait to celebrate all that with you tonight."

"And more." Don grinned. "I'll get the babies ready. You're okay with leaving them with the girls?"

Meryl nodded. "We won't be far. Now, I'm going to gussied up. It's time to celebrate Valentine's Day."

"I can't wait." Don said as she walked into the bathroom and he walked over to where the babies were laying in one crib playing. "Now, your sisters are watching you two and your niece. If any shenanigans go on, then I want you to tell me and Mommy." Don laughed that Brady squealed and moved his arms and legs more and more as his father talked to him. "That's my guy, I knew I could count on you. Come on, let's get you two ready for hopefully a nice quiet night in with your sisters and your niece."

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