Chapter 57

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Don felt like he had just fallen asleep when he thought he heard a noise, he started to get out of bed hoping not to wake his wife when he felt her reach for him and call out for him. "Don Man?"

"Just go back to sleep, baby." Don whispered with a kiss to her head. "I thought I heard the babies."

Meryl wanted him to be sleeping and not worrying about noises in the apartment. They lived in New York. There was always noise. She knew there was no way anyone could get into their apartment due to the security and safeguards that Don had in place. She reached for her iPad that had the baby monitor pulled up and showed it to her husband. "They're sleeping, baby, and you need to be as well. Everything is locked up."

"Yeah." Don sighed as his wife pulled him back down next to her. "I must have been imagining. I am sorry I woke you up."

Meryl tenderly kissed his lips. "I'm glad I did. It's been a lot of shit, baby. It is natural to be jumpy. I just want you to sleep."

"I want you to as well." Don said as he took her in his arms, in the position that worked best for them at the moment and kissed her head. "Get some more sleep, love. I will be here when you wake up."

Meryl placed her hands on his that were classed below her breasts. "You better be. Night, baby."


Jane couldn't believe it. There wasn't a guard downstairs, and she had the code to Don and Meryl's floor because she had seen Brad write it down. She knew he would be mad at her, but she was doing this for their grandbabies. She was FURIOUS when she heard at the grocery store that local do good boy, her son, Donald Gummer, had been sent to jail for attempted murder. She knew why. She knew whose fault it was. She always had this feeling that something would happen to her son because of HER. Well, if she got her son sent to jail, then Jane was going to make sure his babies were safe. She felt like it was her duty. As she quietly walked into the apartment, she grabbed the stroller that was in the entry by the elevator, and then she went on the search for her grandbabies.


Meryl stirred when she heard the babies. She grabbed the iPad and couldn't believe it when she saw her mother-in-law grabbing the babies from their cribs in the far back corner of the room. Meryl quickly, and as quietly as possible, woke Don up. "Don baby, wake up and be quiet. Your mom is in here taking the babies."

"What?" Don hissed quietly and looked at the iPad at what his wife was talking about and his blood boiled. "Come on. She is taking them over my fucking dead body."


"It's okay, Grandma is here." Jane was trying to keep the babies quiet as she picked them up from their cribs. "Your mommy is busy sleeping with someone else, so Grandma is going to take you to live with me and Grandpa."

Don kept a strong hold on his wife's hand as he flipped on the lights and stormed over to his mother. "Over my dead body! You give those babies to their mother, NOW."

"Don!" Jane was shocked as she did NOT do what her son told her to do. "I thought you were in jail and Meryl was sleeping with someone else."

Don pulled the stroller over to his wife and took out Brady, kissing him, and then handing him to his wife. "Of course I'm not in fucking jail. Who the hell did you think was in bed with my wife in our house? You have fucking lost it."

"Come here, baby girl." Meryl held her other arm out for Mags as Don gave the baby girl to her mother. "Are they okay?"

Don sighed as he looked their babies over while his wife cried. He was beyond pissed off at his mother. "Yeah, baby. Why don't you go in the den with them and I'll handle her?"

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