Chapter 66

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'"Mr. Brown." Mike began as he approached his son who was in the witness stand. "Can you please tell the court about the day Mr. Raymore escaped prison?"

Blake immediately jumped up. "Objection!"

"To what, counselor?" Mike asked as he kept his cool. "Your client DID escape prison. That's all I said."

The judge nodded. "Overruled. Please answer the question, DA."

"I was sitting in my office, it was a Friday. I was also at the wedding Don and Meryl were at the day before. I got a call that Mr. Raymore escaped jail and I immediately felt sick. I knew of his obsession with Meryl, and I wanted to get to Don and Meryl as soon as I could."

Mike nodded. "There was no trace of him?"

"No, they lost all track and trace of him. I was the one that prosecuted him over the years for his many crimes against the Gummers. I knew where he was going. I tried to call Don and Meryl over and over, and couldn't get ahold of them, so I got to their apartment as soon as I could." Larry explained. "When I got there, Don was panicked because he had learned Meryl wasn't with Grace. He knew something was wrong, and when he told me that, I knew it was Raymore who contacted her and not Gracie. So, we got in my car and went to the hotel. At this moment, I was just a best friend and brother. Soon as we got to the hotel, I contacted the police. Don told everything from his end earlier. When I rushed in, Raymore had a gun to Meryl's head. Don wasn't going to leave. I knew that. Of course not, his wife was being held at gunpoint by the man who had beaten her and tried to kill Don. Don mouthed to me to go get the babies and he gave me a look that told me he had a plan. I pretended to be mad at Don and said I was tired of saving him, I didn't want Raymore to know I was taking the babies. I had no idea what he could do to them, or to Don and Meryl if he knew. Don played along and closed the door after I backed out. I found the babies and got them to safety with the police when they arrived. I told the police what was going on, that I was going back in and they needed to be smart. I was thinking that it wouldn't take much for Raymore to pull that trigger on Meryl and Don. I then went back in as Don and Larry were struggling for the gun. Don wanted Meryl to run, but I knew she wouldn't. So I stayed there. When the gun went off, I thought my brother and best friend was shot. I was trying to keep Meryl calm, though I don't think I was doing a good job. Police were also in the room and KNEW it was an accident. It wasn't Don's fault. Besides, it was self-defense."

Mike nodded as he continued. "I want to jump ahead a little bit. You were at the hospital when Raymore broke loose?"

"Over and over." Larry nodded. "It was a very unsafe situation for Don and Meryl to be in. I saw what this man is capable of, first hand. I saw how he knocked out nurses and guards. I heard him say over and over how he was going to kill Don and Meryl. As I said, I'm speaking as a friend, but also my training in these situations shows me that if he isn't put in prison for the rest of his life then NO ONE will be safe. I don't just mean the Gummers. I mean ANYONE that comes between Raymore and them. I have seen the look in his eyes. I have heard the hate in his voice. I truly believe he won't stop until he has what he wants...and that is to kill my brother and his wife."

Mike looked at Blake expecting him to object and was surprised when he didn't. "Thank you, Mr. Brown. Your witness, counselor."

"I want Mr. Brown's entire testimony to be stricken from the record." Blake said matter of factly as he stood up. "Now, your honor."

Mike took a deep breath and tried to keep his cool. "On what grounds?"

"Your honor, the witness is the examining lawyer's son." Blake began. "He is also best friends with the Gummers. You know what, on that basis alone, I call for a mistrial. A mistrial and a new prosecutor."

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