Chapter 31

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Carl Raymore couldn't believe it. They left him alone. Yes, he would be having surgery, but it wasn't life and death. He was alone in his room. He snuck to the door and heard the nurses say what room Meryl was in and that she was alone. Could things really work out that perfectly for him? Was it his chance? He had told her years ago that she was worthless, and he felt that way still. She and the ogre Gummer made his life miserable and now it was time for payback. He watched as the guard outside of his room was flirting with a nurse. It was now or never, and he decided the time had finally come. "Time to shut that self-righteous bitch up for good."


Meryl had tried to stay awake after her tests when Dr. Abbott said that he was going to get Don and the babies, but she couldn't. She was pretty sure that it was the medications she had been given. She was anxiously waiting for Don so she thought that if she just closed her eyes for a few minutes, then the sooner she would wake up to see her husband's handsome face and be able to hold her babies she had been aching to hold since she woke up tied to the chair. She knew that Don would be there as soon as possible. Instead of thinking about the fear that seemed to engulf her ever since she was taken from her husband and in for tests, she closed her eyes trying to picture her husband and children. She knew that was the only to combat her fear and panic.


Carl Raymore somehow managed to make it to Meryl's room undetected. He knew he needed to be quick. He knew it wouldn't be long until Don came into her room. He needed to be quick and needed to make it look like natural causes. Carl grabbed a pillow in the cabinet and made his way over to Meryl. "Finally. You deserve this, you bitch."

"Don." Meryl mumbled as she woke up and saw Carl Raymore. She tried to get up but he immediately pushed her down, placing a pillow over her face. "DON!" Meryl tried to scream but she couldn't because of the pillow. She kicked and pushed but she couldn't get him off of her. She knew she would kick and fight until she had no breath left.

Raymore pressed the pillow harder and harder onto her face. "You fucking bitch, just die already."

"Here we are, let's see..." Don stopped in his tracks when he saw Raymore suffocating his wife. He ran over to them, grabbing Raymore and throwing him to the ground. "I said to stay the fuck away from my wife you fucking son of a bitch."

Meryl was gasping for air. "D...DO....ON!"

"HAL! HAL, I NEED HELP!" Don screaming as he picked Raymore up, throwing him against the wall with his hands around his neck. "You like not being able to breathe? Did that make you feel powerful trying to take my wife's breath from her?"

Dr. Abbott ran in. "What in the hell is going on?"

"He tried to suffocate Meryl, get security, take him." Don said as practically threw Raymore to Dr. Abbott, then he ran to his wife. "I'm here, baby, I'm here."

Meryl was still gasping her air. "Can't...breathe."

"You're doing it, baby." Don said soothingly in her ear as he rubbed her back. "Nice easy breaths, baby. Nice easy breaths. I'm right here. He's not going to hurt you."

Meryl looked over and saw the babies in the stroller. ""

"Don?" Liz ran in with Larry. "We heard you screaming."

Larry looked at Dr. Abbott who was pushing Raymore out. "How in the hell did he..."

"He was fucking suffocating her." Don said as he continued to hold Meryl. "Get him the fuck out. I swear, Larry..."

"I've got this." Larry said as he looked at Liz. "I'll be back."

Liz went to the babies. "Let me take them out into the waiting area."

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