Chapter 49

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Meryl stirred when she heard the babies beginning to fuss. She carefully sat up; she didn't want to sit up too quickly and get nauseous, but more than that, she didn't want to wake up Don. However, soon as she began to sit up, she felt him put his hand on her shoulder as she started to get up. "Darl? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Don Man." Meryl turned to gently kiss his lips. "I just heard the babies beginning to wake up and I didn't want them to wake you up. Go back to sleep, I'll go take care of them."

Don shook his head as he put the footrest of the recliner down and helped her up before he stood up himself. "Not without me."

"Baby, I really am fine." Meryl said with a soft kiss to his lips. "I hate I had the break down earlier, but my guy made me feel better. I just feel like my head is spinning."

"I'm glad you had the breakdown earlier, and I was able to make you feel better just as you always make me feel better." Don said with a kiss to the top of her head. "My head is spinning, too, baby. At least our heads are spinning together. Right?"

Meryl smiled as they walked into the bedroom. "Always."

"They're not really wanting to wake up, I guess." Don said as they looked in the cribs. "They are playing mind games with us, just like their brother and sisters."

Meryl nodded as she leaned her head on Don's good shoulder. "I'm sorry. I must have been imaging things or overreacting."

"You aren't overreacting." Don said with a kiss to her head. "I'm jumpy right now when it comes to theirs and your safety."

Meryl nodded as she leaned further into his embrace. "Me too, baby. Why don't we..."

"Really?" Don sighed as he heard their intercom buzz from the other room. "Always interrupted."

Meryl just winked at him as she followed him to the kitchen. "It's not like we could do anything fun with our alone time."

"I was sure as hell gonna try." Don said with a kiss to her forehead as he lifted up the intercom phone. "Yeah? Oh hey, chicken shit. It's fine, the babies are still taking the morning nap. I'll buzz you up."

Meryl sighed as she looked at Don once he hung up the phone. "Raymore?"

"Yeah, Larry has news." Don sighed as he cupped her head in his hands when he saw the look of fear in her eyes. "It's going to be okay, baby, we are going to nail that fucker. I promise."

Meryl nodded as she took a deep breath and tried to smile at her husband. "And my Don Man always keeps his promises."


Don and Meryl looked at each other once Larry sat down at the kitchen table with them, and brought them all coffee. They both knew something was up as Larry tried to smile. "I brought you both home coffee. The good stuff."

"That scares me." Don tried to teases, but there was a lot of truth in his statement. "You never bring us coffee. Something is wrong. Did that fucker get..."

Larry shook his head vehemently. "NO. He has 24 hour doubled up police custody at the hospital. He should be released back into maximum security in a day or two."

"Well, that's good news." Meryl said as she watched Larry and Don stare each other down. "Okay, Larry. I have known you ALMOST as long as I have known my husband. We have all been through a lot together. I can tell something is wrong. By the look on my husband's face, I can tell that he can tell something is wrong. What is it?"

Larry figured it was time to rip the band-aid off. "I am trying to get Raymore's trial scheduled as soon as possible. But, he has thrown a wrinkle in things."

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