Chapter 14

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Meryl took a deep breath as she walked into Don's recovery room. She didn't even bother to wipe away the tears that streamed down her face. He was laying in bed in hospital scrub pants and his chest was all wrapped in bandages. She knew that was due to the surgery, and because it probably wouldn't feel good to have a shirt or gown on. She went over and immediately pulled the sheet and blanket, carefully, over his body for fear he might get cold. He was hooked up to oxygen and an IV for fluids, but thankfully that was it. She pulled a chair over so she could hold his hands in her while she sat by him. She couldn't resist running her fingers through his hair, while the other hand held his and she kissed his lips over and over-so happy there was no breathing tube. "Hey, baby. I'm right here, my Don Man. You gave me another scare. You keep telling me how I don't need to dye my hair, but all these gray hairs are from you scaring me to death. So, if you don't want me to dye my hair then stop scaring me." Meryl smiled tenderly at him. "You continue to amaze me, Donald Gummer. You are going to be just fine, so all I need you to do right now is rest and get better. The babies are with Liz and Larry in the waiting room. I talked to the kids and they are staying put. You just really need calm, quiet and rest. However, I am not going anywhere. I am going to be right here holding your hand, telling you how much I love you until the second you come back to me; well, probably longer than that. I love you, my Don Man."


Several hours later, Meryl was sitting beside Don's hospital bed, again. Only this time it was in his own private room, well, it was really a suite with plenty of room for her and the babies. She finally convinced Liz and Larry to go get some supper, but they only agreed if she would eat what they brought back to her. She really wasn't hungry but knew she needed to eat since she hadn't eaten all day. She was just too worried about Don. He had been moved out of recovery hours earlier and still wasn't awake. She knew she was driving the nurses and doctors crazy with asking when he would wake up, and she was assured over and over that he would wake up, she just needed to give him time. After she nursed the twins for their supper and put them to bed in the cribs the hospital staff brought in, Meryl was glued to her husband's side one again holding his hand and kissing his lips while she waited for him to wake up. She couldn't help but think about her conversation with Jane earlier in the day, and it reminded her of another time she was waiting for him to wake up.


"Meryl!" Larry jumped up from where he was sitting in the ICU waiting room when he saw his best friend's wife in a wheelchair. "Can I hug you?" Larry didn't know everything Meryl had been through while she was trapped in that warehouse with Kevin Mann, but he knew she was raped, and the last thing he wanted to do was make her feel uncomfortable.

Meryl cried as she nodded and held onto him. "I know you've barely left Don, not only tonight after he was shot and brought in here but during these hellish last few days. Thank you. Thank you for helping to find us."

"You all are family." Larry said with a kiss to her cheek. "I wouldn't have been anywhere else."

Meryl nodded as she wiped her tears. "You have your own family."

"Which includes the 4 of you." Larry winked and looked at the doctor. "How is she? Henry? The baby?"

Meryl let Dr. Abbott answer. "She's dehydrated and malnourished and is admitted. We arranged it so she can be in Don's room and we will be feeding her and pumping her full of fluids. The baby is just fine."

"Henry is better than he has been in days." Meryl choked. "It was like making the hardest decision of my life deciding to be with him or Don. My family is taking excellent care of Henry so I know this is where I need to be. I know Don would do the same if the situation was reversed knowing Henry is being taken care of."

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