Chapter 12

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Meryl went from looking at her smartwatch Don gave her for Christmas to looking at her phone, tears always appeared to her eyes when she did because of the family picture that was on both and Don's beautiful little smirk she loved so much. She then would look at the door of the private waiting room she had been ushered to while they whisked Don off for testing, and she kept willing the door to open and the doctor to come in and tell her what was going on with her husband. Then she would look in the stroller to make sure the babies were okay. She kept wringing her hands together in worry. Don looked so lifeless on that stretcher. She was grateful that the hospital was sensitive to their privacy. All she cared about, though, was making sure her husband would be okay. She couldn't stop thinking about all the thick black mucus he coughed up, a reminder of what he went through after 9/11, and her mind went back to that paralyzing fear.


Meryl had decided to turn on the television to keep her company while she unpacked their living room. She turned on ABC to watch her good friend Diane Sawyer, not prepared for the announcement.

"A second plane has hit the World Trade Center. Charlie, it looks like this one came from the south. Our reports are saying we are under attack." Diane said as Meryl sank on the sofa.

"My babies...Don." Meryl breathed as she ran to the phone and quickly dialed the number to the school. It was busy, of course, it was. She then called Don's cell phone which didn't ring at all. Meryl didn't know what to do, she couldn't breathe. Both the girls' school and Don's studio were not far from the World Trade Center. Don would have walked very close to the towers on his way to the studio. Were they okay? Were they alive? What was happening? As Meryl reached down for the phone again, it rang. "Hello?" Meryl answered with a panicked voice.

"Mom, are you okay?" Henry replied on the other end.

Tears came to Meryl's eyes when she heard her son's voice. "Baby, I'm fine. Are you okay? Are you still in Boston?"

"Yes, we are writing some songs in the studio. We have a TV on in the lobby and I just saw the news. What about Dad and the girls?" Henry asked.

"I can't reach your dad or the girls' school. Mamie is at Northwestern. I just heard the news and hadn't got her called yet; since she's all the way in Chicago I'm sure she's safe." Meryl began to cry.

Henry hated feeling so powerless. "Mom, things are chaos there. I'm sure the phones are down. Dad is probably in a meeting. I'm coming home."

"NO!" Meryl said adamantly. "It's safer for you in Boston. I will let you know the moment I hear anything from your dad and the girls."

"You promise?" Henry asked as he tried to keep it together.

Meryl swallowed her tears. "I promise, sweetheart. Honey, thank you so much for calling but I really need to get ahold of the girls and your dad. I'm so glad you're safe. Just stay that way, PLEASE."

"I promise, Mom. Please be careful, I love you." Henry choked as he wondered where his father and sisters were. 

"I love you, Gippy, bye." She whispered as she tried not to completely break down. She picked up the service. She was left with her thoughts, her worries, and the unknown.


Meryl was sitting in a chair in the school lobby with her head buried in her hands when she heard the most beautiful sound. "MOM!" Both Grace and Louisa cried as they ran to her.

Meryl immediately stood up and ran to them, holding them both as close as possible as she cried. She had been worried sick. They still needed their parents, and Meryl needed them. She was relieved to at least have made contact with 3/5 of her family. "My girls; I am so unbelievably happy to see you. I love you both so much, so so so much."

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