Chapter 54

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Don was sitting with Meryl back in the corner of the courtroom, it was the most private area and he wanted privacy for her while she recovered from her testimony when Maggie walked in with some Ginger Ale and crackers she went to get when Meryl said she was feeling really nauseated. Meryl tried to insist she didn't need any of that, but when Maggie saw the worried look on Don's face she insisted. "Here you go, honey."

"Thanks, Maggie." Meryl smiled sheepishly at the woman Don thought of as his mother. "I really am fine."

Don shook his head as he held a wet paper towel up to the back of Meryl's neck. "Drink, eat, please. The babies will want to nurse again soon, and that testimony really did you in which Dr. Abbott warned us about."

"Don Man, I'm fine." Meryl tried to insist, but she had a feeling that it was a losing battle. "Really."

Don sighed as he opened the package of crackers, handing Meryl one, as Maggie went to go talk to Mike and Larry who were preparing for Don's testimony in a few minutes. "Okay, M, you don't have to eat and drink. We will just take you to the hospital instead."

"Fine." Meryl stuck her tongue out at her husband making him smile that he won this battle, he knew he would if he used the hospital as a threat. "You win."

Don took a deep breath as he was about to say something to Meryl he knew she wouldn't like. "Baby, we need to talk."

"Okay." Meryl said with worry when she saw the serious look on her husband's face. "What is it?"

Don tucked her hair behind her ear as he stroked her cheekbones with his thumbs. "I think Lizzie should take you and the babies home. I will be fine, I'll be with Mike and Larry and Maggie. That was too much on your body, and you need to get to bed. I want Lizzie to stay with the three of you."

"No, no way." Meryl said strongly and then she saw the look on her husband's face. "Don Man, do you not want me here for your testimony? If it is about what happened this morning, I am so incredibly..."

Don cut off what she was saying by pressing a tender kiss to her lips. "No, Darl, not at all. We are way past all that. Selfishly, I want you here, but that is not what's best for you. Baby, you have a SEVERE concussion. You need to focus on yourself and the babies. I know you will 3 will be safe and well taken care of with Lizzie, which is a huge relief to me. This is about what is best for you, not me."

"No, this is about what is best for US. For all of us. For you and me. And what is best for all of us is for me to be here with you, for you." Meryl began and then interrupted when Don started to talk her out of it. "You think I will rest at home while you are here testifying? While your fate hangs in the balance? Do you think I won't be going out of my fucking mind not knowing if you will be coming home to me or not? You think..."

Don could tell this was upsetting her even more, which he didn't want. He knew she wouldn't like it, he knew she would fight him on it, but for some reason, he didn't think she would get quite so upset. "Okay baby, calm down. The last thing I want to do is upset you."

"I can't leave, Don, I can't. It would kill me." Meryl hated the idea of not being there for him, of possibly getting a call that her husband was found guilty. "Unless you don't want..."

Don placed a hard kiss on her lips, pressing his forehead to hers once they broke apart. "I do want you here, so much. I just didn't want us to push you too much today."

"Not being with you would push me too much." Meryl said honestly. "We battle this as we have done with everything that has been thrown in our path for the past 35 years..."

Don winked at her as he kissed the rings on her left ring finger. "Together."


Henry wrapped his arm around his mother as she sat in-between him and Maggie with Suzie sitting net to her husband. Henry gave him mother a smile, his father's smile, as Don was being sworn in. "He's got this, Mom. He will be fine. He is not going anywhere but home with you today."

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