Chapter 69

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Not long after Don and Meryl fell asleep, Don heard his phone vibrate on his nightstand. He quickly reached for it, hoping it wouldn't disturb his wife. He smiled that as he moved to reach his phone, that she reached out for him in her sleep. He carefully wrapped his left arm around her as he was holding his phone in his right hand. He was glad that the sound of his phone vibrating, and him moving to grab the phone didn't disturb her. He looked down and thought how she was sleeping more peacefully than he had seen since Raymore reentered their lives, and for that he was grateful. He placed a kiss on the top of her head as he read a text from Papa Mike: Hey, son. I hope this doesn't wake you and Meryl up if you are resting. I just wanted to text and see how you two were doing. Maggie and I love you both, all of you, and are just concerned. I know you have Brad now, but I don't want you to forget that you will always be our son and we love you and Meryl very much. We are going to stay in the city for a bit, so if you need anything, we are here. I'm so glad you all are now officially safe. Don couldn't stop the tears that came to his eyes when he read the text from Mike. Mike and Maggie would always be like parents to him, and after the most recent stunt his mother had pulled, it meant so much to him. Of course, Don and Brad had become close, and Don was glad to finally know his real father, but it was different. Brad didn't raise him. Mike and Maggie had been through all the ups and downs of life with Don as a parent would have. Even though Don and Brad were close, whenever something bad or good happened, besides Meryl, Mike and Maggie were the first people Don went to. It had always been that way, and it always would be. While Brad did check up on Don and Meryl and the kids often, it was just different with Mike. Don smiled as he typed out a reply. Hey, Pops. Thanks so much. We are doing much better. Meryl is finally resting and I'm hoping she will rest as long as she needs. I'm glad it was you that delivered that news, and I know Meryl is as well, even though it was quite a shock for both of us. Thank you for all you do for me and my family; in my eyes and hearts, you are my dad and always will be. Thank you to you and Maggie for always being there for us. We will chat tomorrow. Just as Don sent the text, he heard Mags beginning to make her waking up noises. He grabbed his phone and carefully got out of bed, grabbing his daughter quickly. "Hey, baby girl. Daddy is right here. Come on, let's go get you settled in the other room. I'll then come to get your brother and get him settled in another room so we don't wake Mama up. Let's go have some Daddy and Margaret time." After Don got Mags settled in her swing in the den, he went and got Brady and settled him in the pack'n'play in the living room, hoping he would sleep as long as needed. He then went and checked on Meryl who was sleeping incredibly soundly all cuddled up to his pillow. He ran his fingers through her hair as he kissed her forehead and pressed his cheek to hers. "Just sleep, Darl, I have everything taken care of."


It had been hours, and Meryl was still sleeping. Don knew the babies were hungry, and they did have some of Meryl's milk frozen. He hated to give them bottles without her blessing, but he knew she needed to sleep. He checked on her again, and she was breathing fine, she was just completely out. Don decided to go ahead and give the babies their bottles. He tried to tell himself not to worry about her. She had been through so much both emotionally and physically, that what she needed more than anything was sleep. He could take care of her by giving the babies bottles. He would be able to give the babies what they needed, while Meryl got what she needed the most-sleep. Don had prepared the bottles, and placed the babies on their poppies on the sofa, holding a bottle up to each baby. "You two are such amazing babies. Daddy is proud of you for taking a bottle so easily. You two must really be hungry. Mommy always puts all of us first before her own well-being. Mommy is exhausted so we need to let her sleep as long as her body needs to sleep. Now, Daddy has an idea of how we can show Mommy just how wonderful she is, and how much we love her. Do you two want to help." Don could have sworn he saw Brady nod his head and smile. "Okay then, soon as you two eat, we will work on Mommy's surprise."

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