Chapter 19

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Don and Meryl were having a nice dinner together, neither of them could believe the babies were still sleeping. Don was afraid it might mean they wouldn't sleep that night, but Meryl said she wasn't concerned. She could tell they were going through a growth spurt with their nursing, and it was natural for them to sleep more. She also thought it was because they were no longer in the hospital that the babies were getting the sleep they missed out on, but she didn't want to say that to him in case he felt guilty about it. Meryl and Don just enjoyed the time alone, talking and not having nurses come in. Meryl reached her hand across to hold his. "I do not want you to be cleaning up. I will do that. There's not that much. I want you to go in and rest while I take care of it."

"If we do it together, then we could be done quicker." Don pointed out as he got up and carried their plates to the sink. "Which means the sooner we can relax together."

Meryl smiled at him as she threw away the trash. "I really like the way you think, and I appreciate it."

"See?" Don asked as he quickly loaded the dishwasher. "I loaded, you threw stuff away. No pots or pans to wash. And we're done."

Meryl winked at her husband as she wiped down the table and the breakfast island. "Almost."

"We are..." Don went up behind her, pushing his body close to hers, as he took the sponge from her throwing it in the sink and sucking on her earlobe. "Done."

Meryl sighed happily at the feeling of being in his arms and what he was doing to her. She knew it couldn't go anywhere but she was greatly enjoying the contact with him. "It feels like you're getting started."

"Oh, baby." Don sighed as he kissed her neck, knowing it couldn't go anywhere. "I wish."

Meryl turned in his arms, wrapping her arms around his neck, pressing her lips to his when the doorbell rang. Meryl sighed as she laid her head in the crook of his neck. "Who the hell could that be?"

"I have no idea." Don sighed as he kissed the top of her head. "You blow out the candles and I'll make whoever it is get out of here."

Meryl quickly blew out the candles and grabbed his hand. "We will get rid of whoever it is. It can't be the kids. Who even knows we're here?"

"Not many people." Don said as they walked to the front door, peeking out the peephole. "It's the police."

Meryl's heart sank. "Because of what happened with Margaret? Are they here to take the babies away?"

"There's no way in hell that will ever happen." Don said as he strengthened his hold on his wife's hand. "Hello, officers. How can we help you?"

The officers couldn't believe what they were charged to do, but duty called. One officer placed his hands on his handcuffs. "Ms. Meryl Streep?"

"Yes?" Meryl was beyond confused as she saw the fear in her husband's face. "Actually, it's Mary Louise Gummer, but I do go by Streep professionally."

The officer took a breath. "Mary Louise Gummer, you are under arrest for assault and battery of Mrs. Jane Gummer."

"Wait just a fucking minute." Don immediately stood in front of Meryl to guard and protect her. "This is fucking ridiculous."

Meryl shut her eyes tightly as she willed the tears not to come. "Baby, don't. We don't need you arrested either."

"You aren't being arrested." Don held up his hands. "Jane Gummer is my mother, who has been after my wife for close to 35 years. I have a protective order out against her, to which she broke today. So, in the interest of justice being served, you tell me what the charges are against my wife. I don't care if my ass is thrown in jail for obstruction of justice, my wife is NOT being arrested."

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