Chapter 33

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Everything seemed like a whirlwind. As soon as Dr. Abbott told Meryl and Don that he feared she might have been raped, and he wanted a rape kit to be done on her as soon as possible to make sure, things happened quickly. Liz and Larry came into Meryl's emergency room to watch the babies. Don insisted on going with Meryl, and Liz and Larry were glad to watch their godchildren. Don wanted them to stay in Meryl's room with the babies for privacy, and he made sure there were several guards outside of it. Meryl was then taken to a very private room, where she and Don waited.


Don was sitting next to Meryl on the examination table in the cold room, neither of them saying anything, just holding hands. With her free hand, Meryl wiped away her tears, and spoke, barely above a whisper. "Are you sure you shouldn't be with the babies?"

"They are safe with Liz and Larry, as well as the guards, baby." Don said kissing her hand, and he noticed she flinched, which broke his heart. He lifted her chin with his finger so he could gaze into her eyes. "Baby, if you would rather me not be in here if you are uncomfortable with me being in here for this..."

Hearing him say that to her caused the flood gates to open and she clutched both of his hands in hers. "I want you here with me more than anything else in the world. It's just if you need to be with the babies..."

"They are sleeping and are safe with their Aunt Liz and Uncle Larry." Don said wiping away his wife's tears. "I need to be here with you more than anything. It is really, really, important to me. That is if I'm not making uncomfortable..."

Meryl quickly pressed her lips to his. "You NEVER make me uncomfortable."

"I know this sounds weird and twisted..." Don said before he continued. "I feel like this is my chance to be with you like I wasn't all those years ago when you had to go through this."

Meryl knew he felt that way, but she didn't. "Baby, you were with me. You were in my heart. You were where I needed you to be-fighting for your life. I am so glad you are here with me now, and I want to say WERE with me then."

"And you were with me." Don and Meryl really hadn't talked much about it since Dr. Abbott said he wanted her to have a rape exam done. "Baby, I hope you know that whatever we find out won't change us. It won't change how damn much I love you. Whatever we find out, I need you to know that I will be there with you every step of the way. More than anything, I need you to know that I love you with everything I am and IF you was NOT your fault. Not at all, baby. It was that fucker's fault, and he is going to pay. I promise you that, Darl."

"Thank you. I love you so damn much, my Don Man, more than you know." Meryl choked, barely above a whisper, as she was shaking. "Baby, may I...may I ask you something?"

Don brushed his lips over the bandage on her head as they still hadn't stitched her up yet. "You NEVER have to ask that. You can ask and talk to me about ANYTHING, baby."

"I know." Meryl took a deep breath. "Do you think I was? I mean he isn't Mann. When we were dating he wanted to own me. Throughout our marriage, he has wanted me to hurt, physically. But own me in that way?"

Don sighed as he ran his fingers through her hair. "It is so fucking hard for me to think about, but you have a point. I don't know, baby. I know he has wanted to...wanted you to..."

"You can say it, Don Man." Meryl was now trying to control her emotions. "He beat the shit out of me. He wanted to kill me. To kill us. To make me hurt."

Don nodded with tears in his eyes. "I just don't know about rape. We will find out. We will find out together. We will deal with it head-on. Whatever you need, we will do. We will get you therapists. We will get you medical attention. We will do whatever is best."

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