Chapter 40

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The next morning, Don and Meryl had a relaxed morning with the girls. The girls even surprised them by giving the babies baths. Don and Meryl enjoyed sitting on their bed together watching their older kids giving their youngest one baths. It warmed both of their hearts to see how the babies had been connecting with their older siblings in the last few months. It made Don and Meryl feel really good as parents to see the love and care the girls as well as Henry and Suzie had for all 3 of the Gummer babies. Don and Meryl weren't as proud of anything as they were of their family and seeing all of them bonding just cemented that. Once the babies went down for their morning naps, the girls left with their parents promising them that if they needed anything at ALL they would call. Don immediately called Larry once the girls left who told him that they didn't have any leads on Raymore still. Meryl didn't want Don to obsess over that and so she was glad that she was able to get him to lay down with her and take a morning nap. They both were still feeling pretty crappy, and they knew that stress would only add to that, so they both wanted the other to relax. Unfortunately, it wasn't in the cards.


Don couldn't sleep. He just kept looking down at the beautiful creature in his arms. He wondered how he ever got so lucky. He married Peggy right after high school because he wanted to get out of Jane and James' house, but obviously, that didn't work out, and he was so glad. There was only one person he was ever meant to be with, to have babies with, and that was the person in his arms. Don's grandparents and his chosen parents, Mike and Maggie, encouraged Don to come to the east coast to pursue his dreams. Which he did, though, he didn't know at the time that his true dream wasn't art-it was Meryl and the life they had created. Once he met her, his ONE, his whole life changed. She was his soul mate. The other half of his soul. She was his partner, best friend, and lover. Yes, they had their difficult times over the years; especially the past couple of years. They had to put up with the separations, kids' schedules, and of course tabloid rumors. Here they were 35 years later, happier and more in love than ever with infant twins and a granddaughter. As Don laid there, watching his soul mate and the love of his life sleep while hearing the little sounds their babies made while they sleep, he had a new resolve to catch Raymore. He knew he would do anything in his power to keep the kids and Meryl safe from them. He was itching to come face to face with Raymore, so he could get that bastard out of their lives once and for all.

Don eventually decided that sleep was useless and carefully removed himself from under her. Meryl stirred a little bit as he covered her with the blankets, making sure she was warm. Meryl grabbed Don's hand as he was covering her up. "Don?" Meryl whispered with a sleepy voice and eyes still closed. "Okay?

"Everything is okay, baby, go back to sleep." Don said with a soft kiss to her lips. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me, love."

Meryl smiled in her sleep when she felt Don press his lips to hers. "Mmmmkay, Don Man."

"That's my girl." Don whispered with a kiss to her forehead, before going over to the babies and making sure they were okay, kissing them as well. "Sleep well. Daddy loves you."


Don decided to make them a nice lunch since he obviously couldn't sleep. He wanted to do something for her, and it was much more important to him that she slept. Don was at the stove when he heard a man's voice behind him. "I knew I would need to go through you to get to her, I guess it's my lucky day, after all, you son of a bitch."

Don whipped around, and there he was, the man he was itching to get his hands on, the man who tried to kill his wife over and over and over again. Maybe he would get his wish and get rid of that fucking bastard once and for all, because there he was, standing in HIS kitchen pointing a gun at him. He was an intruder. No court would convict him for shooting an intruder, escaped convict and the man that had treated him, his wife and their family for over 30 years. It was his chance, but then everything changed. At this moment Meryl walked in unbeknownst to Raymore. Meryl locked eyes with Don and froze...and he froze. He was trying to work out what to do and keep his wife safe, keep his babies safe, which was more important to him than anything.

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