chapter 2 crazy kids in the night

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Taylor's POV

"Uh kade i don't care if it is or isn't the way you are i don't know you" i say

[I wanna know you] he thinks to himself

"Ugghhh tay?" Kate asks

"Yeah?" I ask

"Please put on a jacket my brother is drooling" she groans

"Have a jack n coke I'm not drooling over your cute friend" kade says smiling

[Wait! He thinks I'm cute??] I feel my cheeks heat up and i blush

"Whoooo! I'm gonna go search for a man" kate says leaving me&kade alone

"So Taylor? Tell me about you" he says smiling

I sigh "not much to tell honesty i come from a small family born and raised here in kanas, i like video games, purple, pizza, I'm simple never wanted designer things but I've always dreamed of being a singer" i say smiling

He smiles "i like video games too depending on the type, i like black&blue I'm 19 by the way and I'm a super star sing in hollywood" he says smiling

"I'm 19 too and is it hard?" I ask

"What? Being a young singer? It is but you get used to it" he says smiling

I nod "gotcha so is it fun?" I ask

"It is and incase your wondering I'm here visiting my family for the weekend" he says smiling

"So your leaving on sunday?" I ask

"Yeah why? You gonna miss me?" He jokes

I blush "what?! No way!" I lie

He chuckles "aw I'm hurt I'll miss you"

"You don't know me" i say

He smiles "then let's exchange numbers to keep in touch?"

"Okay" i say writing my number down and handing it to him

He hands me his i pull my phone out and input his number as "kade" he pulls his out and puts my number in his phone

"What's your contact name for me?" He asks

"Your name "kade" i say

He nods "i put yours as tay" he says smiling

"Cool" i simply say

"Girlllllll" kate beams

"What?" I ask

"I'm gonna head home i don't feel well" she says

"How are you getting home?" I ask

"Cab so kade can drive you home when your ready" she says smiling

"Okay becareful" i say

"I will I'll text you when i get home love you babes" she says smiling

"Love you too babes" i say smiling

"Aww i love you more" kade jokes

I giggle and playfully slap his chest "shut up"

"Nah sounds boring" he says laughing

[God he has a killer smile i just wanna kiss him but i barely know him why am i having these thoughts??]

Soon it's midnight and i ask kade to drive me home

《My house》

"Thank you for driving me home kade" i say smiling

He smiles "anytime umm wanna hug goodnight?"

"Sure" i say smiling

We hug then i head inside to play cod with my brother

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