talks chapter 10

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Taylor's POV

So.... umm kade sent me a picture of his abs and i haven't had sex ever and i wanna but I'm gonna get dressed and head to Kate's she will help me

 umm kade sent me a picture of his abs and i haven't had sex ever and i wanna but I'm gonna get dressed and head to Kate's she will help me

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I just threw this on because i didn't feel like being whatever

*Kate's house*

"What's up?" She asks as we enter her room

"Umm......this is gonna be cringey but your brother......sent me a pic of his abs and I've been having dirty thoughts" i say

She bursts out laughing "omg chill girl ..wait you haven't?"

I shake my head no "i haven't"

"Wow that's rare why don't you talk to him?" She asks

"Because......i don't know how to even put it into words" i say

"Okay when he calls you tonight just tell him you wanna talk to him" she says

"Okay I'll try it" i say nodding

We sit&chat for a bit longer then i head home to eat dinner

"Hey mom? After dinner can we talk after dinner?" I ask

"Sure sweetie you okay?" She asks

I look her in the eyes "I'm confused on a topic"

Her eyes widen in realization and she nods "oh okay sure sweetie"

Soon dinner is over and mom&i are outside smoking a cig

"You wanna have sex with kade am i right?" She asks

"Uh yeah does that make me bad?" I ask

She laughs "no honey it's natural and talk to him tell him you wanna go futher with your relationship" she says smiling

"Thanks mom he's calling now so I'm going to my room" i say running

[Thank goodness he called not videochatted i can't see his face when i say this]

I answer once my door is shut "hey babe!"

"Hey sugar! How are you?" He asks

"Good, and you?" I ask

"Great. Sweating but great" he chuckles

I giggle "hey, umm there's something i wanted to talk to you about"

"I'm all ears sugar pie" he says smiling

I smile and sigh "okay......umm.....the picture you sent me i...umm have been uh....having sexual thoughts about it"

He chokes on something "really?"

"Yeah, what did you choke on?" I ask

"My water sugar, and are you a virgin?" He asks

"Yeah" i bite my lip [and here comes rejection&heartache great!]

"Are you sure about this?" He asks

"Yes, I'm sure kade i love you and i know you won't hurt me" i say smiling

I hear him smile "always will be by yourside so don't worry about if you don't wanna or if we do I'll still be there with you if i don't have a show which i will let you know i love you princess just tell me once more your sure right?" He asks

"100% baby" i say

"Okay so when i get back a romantic date and see where things go?" He asks

"Totally" i say smiling

"Okay" he says

"Okay" he says

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