1 month later chapter 14

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Taylor's POV

So it's been a month since kade&i had sex and the last time we seen each other. I miss him like crazy but i know he's making his fans smile and for some reason that warms my heart. I've been spending more time with my mom&dad coffee trips, dinner, lunch, ect. It's been good I've even gotten time with lexi&luke. Lexi&i are slowly getting our relationship back together but we are and always will be polar opposites but that's okay because we are still family. Kade invited me to his next show in 2 weeks he said he has a surprise for me. I wonder what it is? Lexi thinks he's gonna propose so does katie.

"He's gonna propose!" Lexi beams

"No, he isn't what makes you so sure?" I ask

"It's a vibe i get" she says smiling

I roll my eyes and shake my head

*2 weeks later*

It's the night of the show and kade said dress nice so i threw this on

It's the night of the show and kade said dress nice so i threw this on

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Lexi&katie are coming with me I'm so excited to see him again.

*concert venue*

We arrive and kade is on stage looking sexy as hell

"Alright everyone, you've been amazing now i wanna bring my beautiful angel TAYLOR UNDERWOOD" he screams

I blush and walk on stage he takes my hand

"Taylor, this is crazy the journey with you as been epic" he starts he gets on one knee and my eyes widen

{There's no way in hell he's gonna propose!}

"Taylor, you've been my rock, my soulmate, my true love and you were right next door Taylor Rose Underwood make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asks

The crowd is filled with awwwwws and oooooss

I feel tears bream my eyes all i can do is nod yes fiercly he smiles that amazing smile sliding the ring on my finger he picks me up and spins me around


"I TOLD YOU SO!" lexi screams

I laugh and kiss kade he kisses back and holds my hand up "the future everybody!" He says smiling

Everyone claps,cheers and screams "congratulations" i smile widely at how much his fans love me i exit the stage and I'm engulfed in hugs from lexi, alexander,my mom&dad,luke&katie

"Mom, dad, luke, alex? I didn't know you guys would be here" i say smiling

"Kade wanted it to be a surprise congratulations babygirl" my mom beams

I smile widely "thanks mom"

"Congratulations future sister!" Katie beams

I giggle as everyone else says their congratulations to kade&i. Kade stays back because he leaves again tommrow but we all go home and celebrate.

 Kade stays back because he leaves again tommrow but we all go home and celebrate

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