chapter 3 cook out

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Taylor's POV
So my family is having a cook out tonight because it's sunday and kade leaves for Hollywood tommrow so lexi&i have been told to dress nice

My outfit

Lexi's outfit

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Lexi's outfit

I straighten my hair apply some nude lipstick then i proceed to put on a redish-maroonish-pinkish lip gloss giving my lips the ruby red effect i head downstairs and wait for lexi before heading out side

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I straighten my hair apply some nude lipstick then i proceed to put on a redish-maroonish-pinkish lip gloss giving my lips the ruby red effect i head downstairs and wait for lexi before heading out side

Lexi puts her hair in a long ponytail curling it she does her make up like gabi demartino's make up then heads downstairs

"You are extra as fuck" i say annoyed

"Aww don't be sad you pretty in your own way" she says leaving

I roll my eyes "such a bitch sometimes" i head outside and see kate i walk over to her

"Hey girl damn you look fierce" she says smiling

I smile "thank you i decided to look like a girl for once and not a tomboy" i joke

She laughs "or you did it for kade"

"What? No" i say

"Okay if you say so" she says as kade comes over

"Wow tay you look beautiful" he says smiling

I smile "thank you kade you look good yourself"

"I'm gonna grab drinks" kate says leaving

"Kate! Wait!" I say

He laughs "scared of me?"

I scoff "you? No way! My mom&dad? Hell yeah!" I say laughing

He chuckles and shakes his head "try not to miss me too much tommrow okay?"

"Oh how will i ever survive?" I say overly dramatic

He laughs "shut up"

I smirk "make me"

He smirks and raises his eyebrows "i can do that"

"It was a joke!" I beam

He laughs "do i make you nervous?"

"What are you? Guy with 50 million questions?" I ask annoyed

He laughs "yeah maybe"

"Mmm hmm" i simply say

"Black cherry fizz for my gorgeous bestie and jack on the rocks for my annoying brother" kate says rolling her eyes

I laugh "thank you"

"I'm not annoying! All the time" he says shyly

I giggle "mmm hmm your low key annoying"

"And your low key beautiful what's your point?" He asks

I choke on my drink and my eyes widen [wait! Did he just say I'm beautiful?] Voice in my head: i heard low key

Me: shut up asshole!

Voice: nah boring as hell

I smile "whoo I'm good now" i say

Kate laughs "aww kade likes Taylor!" She beams

"Shut up kate!" Kade says annoyed

"Why? Doesn't she know?" She asks

"No i wanna fall for her slowly" he says

"Why?" Kate asks

"Because i don't want it to be rushed she's the type of girl who likes slow romance" he says

"And you picked up on this?" Kate asks

"Sure did" kade says smiling

"Guys?" I ask laughing

"Yeah babes?" Kate asks

"Are you okay? You seem off" i say smiling

"Yeah just brother&sister fight you know how it is" she says smiling

"Don't i know it and my sister isn't much better" i say rolling my eyes

"What happened?" Kate asks

"She told me "oh don't be sad your pretty in your own way" all because i said she was extra" i say shaking my head

"Wow so nice of her" kate says sarcastically

I roll my eyes "she's miss fancy pants and I'm just me" i say shrugging

"It's good to be yourself babes" kate says smiling

I smile "i know babes i know just wish my sister woud be nicer to me"

She half smiles "I'm sorry babes"

"It's what it is" i say shrugging

"Kade? You okay? You've been staring at taylor for awhile" Kate says smiling

He snaps out of his gaze "yeah I'm fine sis"

"Mmm hmm like i buy that" she says laughing

"I really am" kade says smiling

"Oh i bet you are buddy" kate teases

"Kate why are you giving me a hard time?" Kade asks

"Because i love you bro" she says throwing an arm over his shoulders

"Don't feel bad kade she does it to me to i block her out" i joke

He laughs "i see"

"What?" She asks

"I'm kidding jeez babes" i say smiling

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