guitar lessons? chapter 5

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Taylor's POV

So it's been a about a week since kade left it's the weekend and he's coming home again like last weekend we've been talking and he wants me to come over when he gets there which he will text me and let me know which gives me plenty of time to get ready now to take a shower,straighten my hair, apply some make up, and look for a good outfit

Once i get out the shower i straigthen my hair, apply some make up, and throw this outfit on

I smile to myself in the mirror and twirl around i grab a small purse to put my phone&keys into and wait for kade's text

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I smile to myself in the mirror and twirl around i grab a small purse to put my phone&keys into and wait for kade's text

Kade: heyyy I'm here ;)

Taylor: on the way out ;)

I put my phone in my bag and head downstairs "mom! Kade's here I'll see you tonight for dinner!" I beam

She smiles "okay sweetie have fun"

I wave goodbye then hop into kade's truck and we drive off to his house

*kade's house*

We pull up to cute&cozy looking house

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We pull up to cute&cozy looking house

"This is your place?" I ask

"Well my parents but yes" he says smiling

I smile and get out look at the beautiful house

"Amazed?" Kade asks chuckling

I smile "yeah it's beautiful"

He smiles "thank you its been in my family for generations" he says smiling

"Wow" i say amazed

"Come on" he says taking my hand

"Hey taylor!" Kate beams

"Hey girl!" I beam

"And kade?" She asks

"Yes he asked me to hangout" i say smiling

She rolls her eyes goes to her room

"Hi taylor don't mind kate she's moody" a young guy says smiling

[I'm assuming that's kade's brother alexander]

"Taylor, this is alex, alex you obviously know taylor for Kate" he says smiling

"Yeah but i was nice to her" he says smiling

Kade rolls his eyes and takes me up to his room i look around taking it all in there's posters, banners, pictures the walls are black with blue, i see a black&blue striped guitar sitting on a stand i smile at it

"Wanna learn how to play?" He asks

"Sure" i say smiling

He grabs his guitar and sits on his bed "sit on my lap"

I blush "umm okay" i say sitting on his lap

He runs his arms around me placing the guitar in my lap he fixes my hands so they are in the right places as he teaching me i can barely listen because I'm taking in his incredible scent woodsy,sandalwood,and ocean breeze

"Taylor?" He asks his face really close to mine

"Sorry i can't focus i have to do this at least once" i say looking deep into his eyes

He looks back at mine and his eyes move to my lips i blush and lean in placing my lips softly on his lips he kisses back our lips move in sync he slides his tongue in my mouth i grant him access and our tongues fight for dominance

"I'm sorry, i had to do that at least once" i say blushing

He pulls me into his lap "don't apologize for that i don't mind kissing you or whatever your comfortable with"

I smile "true southern gentleman"

"Always suar pie" he says smiling

I smile back "well i better get home i told momma I'd be back when dinner is done" i say getting up

He nods "let's go"

*my house*

"Thank you for driving me home" i say smiling

He smiles "no problem baby"

I smile and kiss him he kisses back

"See you tommrow sugar" he says smiling

"See you" i say smiling

"Hey sis things seem to be heating up between you&kade" lexi beams

"I'm surprised you actually give a fuck" i say

"I'm sorry i thought i was better than you all because we have different lifestyles still doesn't mean I'm better than you" she says

"Thank sis we are family we should at least try to get along" i say smiling

She nods "totally"

A/N: see you in the next chapter!!!

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