chapter 4 long distance or right here?

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Taylor's POV

It's monday kade went back to hollywood and I'm at work until 5pm i work at Clarissa's diner/bar/cafe/grill yes it's like that lol

My outfit for the day

Stole this from kate jk she gave it to me because she's getting new outfits today so am i after work kade&i have been texting throughout the day I'm getting ready to go on break so I'll be talking to him while smoking a cig

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Stole this from kate jk she gave it to me because she's getting new outfits today so am i after work kade&i have been texting throughout the day I'm getting ready to go on break so I'll be talking to him while smoking a cig

Kade: heyyyyy ;)

Taylor: hiyo! ;)

Kade: what are you up to? ;)

Taylor: boring work wbu? ;)

Kade: same thing but my work is fun :D

Taylor: i bet mr Hollywood 🙄

Kade: lol your mean 😭

Taylor: no I'm not :/ and you feeling aren't even hurt 🤣

Kade: how do you figure?? 🤷‍♂️

Taylor: i know enough about you dipshit 🤣

Kade: am i an idiot?? 😣

Taylor: your a cute idiot 😂🤩

Kade: ohhh you think I'm cute?? 🤔🤨😏

Taylor: maybe...maybe...not 🤨

Kade: mmm hmm 😏

Taylor: you know what? You are cute but your a hollywood boy 🤨 I'm a smalltown girl 🤷‍♀️

Kade: okay how about when i get back i show you how a country boy treats a lady? 😏🤔

Taylor: you aren't country but yeah prove me wrong mr Hollywood 🤔🤨😏

Kade: I'll pick you up at 7pm on saturday night 😏🤔🤨

Taylor: sounds like a plan

Kade: if i win you over you have to give me a chance with you 😏

Taylor: if i win you over you have to get me a job in Hollywood?? 😏🤔

Kade: deal. Prepare to lose honey ;) i was raised country 😏🤔

The week flies by in a blur and soon it's saturday i jump in the shower and change into this outfit

I apply my lip make up nude lipstick+redish-pinkish-maroonish=ruby red effect i do my face make up and eye make up i curl my hair grab my purse and head downstairs

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I apply my lip make up nude lipstick+redish-pinkish-maroonish=ruby red effect i do my face make up and eye make up i curl my hair grab my purse and head downstairs

"Wow sis you look beautiful where you headed?" Luke asks

"I lost a bet luke" i say

He laughs "ooo got a date?"

"Something like that" i say smiling

*knock on the door*

"I got it!" My mom beams

"Hello miss underwood I'm here for taylor?" Kade asks holding red roses

She smiles widely "come on in"

He takes one look at me and his jaw drops "wow taylor you look beautiful"

I blush and smile "thank you kade"

"For you" he says handing me the flowers

I smile "thank you"

"Here honey I'll put them in a vase" my mom says smiling

"Hello kade good to see you again" my dad says

"You too sir" he says smiling

"Kade? Why are you here?" Lexi asks

"For taylor" he says smiling

"Why? She's simple not your type like me" she says

I sigh "Lexi? A word?" My mom asks annoyed

"Ready taylor?" Kade asks

"Of course let's hit it" i say smiling

"Hey taylor be ready to lose in cod when you get back!" Luke beams

"In your dreams bro!" I beam

We get in kade's car and head to a beautiful, cozy yet simple restaurant/cafe

"Hi welcome to jayla's place what would like to drink?" She asks

"I'll have a pepsi" i say smiling

"I'll take a root beer" kade says smiling

"Okay coming up" she says leaving

"Does your sister always do that to you?" Kade asks

"Yep in highschool guy i was with for 2 years she slept with him behind my back and he dumped me for her" i say shrugging

"He's a jerk your beautiful" he says smiling

"You aren't just saying that to win are you?" I ask

"Forget the bet taylor i like you your beautiful don't listen to your sister" he says taking my hand across the table

I smile "your so right kade i need more confidence in myself" i say smiling

"You do beautiful your beautiful taylor don't forget that" he says smiling

We finish our dinner and take a walk along the pier

"Wow its gorgeous out tonight" i beam looking at the stars

He smiles and stops in front of me "taylor?" He asks

"Yeah?" I ask looking up at him

"Can i uh can i kiss you?" He asks

I smile "of course" i say smiling

He leans in and kisses me softly i kiss back {wow this kiss is better than anyone I've kissed before i could do this all night&day I'm blown away by how good of a kisser he is}

We part "wow" i simply say

He chuckles "i know right that was amazing"

"It really was" i say smiling

He drives me home and kisses me goodnight "see you soon beautiful"

I smile "see you soon handsome"

I head inside change into my pjs and play cod with my brother he's becoming another bestfriend to me my sister is becoming a stranger again and i don't know what to do

I head inside change into my pjs and play cod with my brother he's becoming another bestfriend to me my sister is becoming a stranger again and i don't know what to do

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Smalltown girl&Mr Hollywood 19+Where stories live. Discover now