telling lexi chapter 12

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Taylor's POV

Uggghhhh she's driving me crazy why would i lie to her about this??

"Lexi? I'm dead serious alexander  likes you" i say annoyed

"No he doesn't I'm too fancy for him" she says


"What's going on?" Luke asks

"Lexi thinks I'm lying to her about alex liking her" i snap

"He does like you lexi he told me himself even katie told me" he says

I smile "awww you've been hanging with katie?"

He blushes "i have okay? She's perfect for me"

"Well I'm happy for your bro" i say smiling

"Thanks sis I'm happy for you&kade as well he better not hurt you or I'm gonna put this rifle up his ass" luke says

I laugh "yes mr over protective he knows he gets the vibe from dad"

"Good he better" luke says

"Alex really likes me?" Lexi asks

I roll my eyes "if you don't belive us then ask him yourself" i say throwing her my phone

"What?" She asks

"Call him on my phone I'll pick yours up from the phone store today remember you smashed the screen?" I ask

"Oh right thank you" she says dialing the number

I roll my eyes and head upstairs to get dressed

I straighten my hair, apply some make up i throw on my shades grab my purse and head downstairs

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I straighten my hair, apply some make up i throw on my shades grab my purse and head downstairs

"I'm going to get coffee while I'm out want anything?" I ask

"A medium pumpkin spice latte" lexi says

"Should have guessed luke?" I ask

"I'm good thanks anyways sis" he says smiling

"No problem" i say smiling

"Hey sweetie can you get me a carmel latte medium?" My mom asks

"Sure and dad a medium black coffee with 3 sugars?" I ask

"You know it thanks honey becareful please! That car of yours scares me!" My mom says

My car

I smile "i will mom"

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I smile "i will mom"

I head out and start my car i drive off to U.S Cellular to pick up lexis's phone then head to Starbucks and place the orders

While i wait i check my Facebook feed

"Hmm jessie got married good for her" i say to myself

Once the order is up i grab it and drive back home i park and see a shirtless kade outside i smirk and stare looking at his abs and v-line

He chuckles "stare at me often?" He asks

I blush "what? No!- i mean yes! Ah jeez!" I say smiling

He chuckles and hugs me i hug back

"Where you heading back from?" He asks

"Pick lexis's phone and some coffee" i say smiling

He nods "wait... what happened to her  phone?"

"She's smashed the screen so she had to wait for it to be repaired" i say nodding

"Do i wanna know why?" He asks

"Nope" i say smiling

"I texted you early but you didn't reply" he says smiling

"Oh yeah uh lexi is using my phone which now that i think of it probably wasn't the best idea so hold these please I've gotta run!" I say handing him the coffees and running to the house

"Hey where's the coffees?" Lexi asks

"Where's my phone?" I ask

"Right here why?" She asks

"I was worried you would break it" i say

She laughs "why?"

"You broke yours" i point out

"Oh yeah!" She says

Kade comes in with the coffees and i hand them to everyone

A/N: sorry i would have written more but my phone is super hot! And i don't want it to freeze so I'll see you in the next one!

A/N: sorry i would have written more but my phone is super hot! And i don't want it to freeze so I'll see you in the next one!

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