😱return of an ex?😱 chapter 16

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A/N: this chapter will contain violence and yelling. Please read with caution!

 Please read with caution!

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Taylor's POV

You ever get the feeling something bad or good is gonna happen? Well if you do same here.

I'm getting dressed because I'm going to go into town with my mom today. We need to buy groceries and such so that's what we will be doing. Lexi is with alex, and luke is with katie, my dad is at work, mom is off and so am i and kade is supposed to be at a show i don't know, haven't really spoke much.

My outfit

I apply my make up and head down stairs i put my hair in a long ponytail then wait for my mom

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I apply my make up and head down stairs i put my hair in a long ponytail then wait for my mom.

"Hey momma!" I say smiling

She smiles "wow, you wearing jeans that's the first in a while"

"Yeah, don't feel like a dress and besides isn't this cute?" I ask

She smiles "honey, you always look beautiful"

I smile and we head into town. Once we've got everything we need we head back home. Everyone else is still out so it's just momma&i for now.

"Sweetie, I'm gonna run some lasagna to jasmine" she says smiling

"Okay mom" i say smiling

"I'll be right back honey" she says leaving

After she's left i hear a knock on the door i look out the peep hole and see my ex Jaxson??

"What the hell do you want?" I ask opening the door

He chuckles "still fiesty as ever huh?"

"Why.are.you.here.?" I slow it down and repeat

"I came to see you" he says

"Well, you've seen me so bye!" I say shutting the door

He blocks it with his hand "really? Your still an asshole?"

"Your still a bitch?" I ask sarcastically

He gets angry"TAKE.THAT.BACK." he screams

"FUCK YOU" i scream

He pushes the door open more pushing me into the wall.


"GET OUT!" i scream

Before i can say anything else he's in the air by his shirt. I look up and see kade.


"What are you gonna do?" Jaxson asks laughing

Kade throws him into the wall and punches him repeatedly.

{Wow, I've never seen him like this}

Jaxson throws a few punches to kade but misses all of them.

"Apologize to my fiancee" kade says

"Huh? Fiancee? Your engaged?" Jaxson asks

I cross my arms and look at jaxson "yeah. Idiot i am. What? You thought because you couldn't handle me I'd be single forever?" I laugh histarically

"What's funny?" Jaxson asks

"Oh you are that's what now you have 5 seconds to get out of my house before i get ugly" i say smiling

He laughs "and what is little miss perfect gonna do?"

I nod and take my hair down i keep nodding while letting my anger build up.

"There's something you failed to realize when we were together jaxson" i say smiling and tilting my head

He gulps i inch closer to him "no one can save you now hahahaha" i say smiling

"What are you gonna do to me?" He asks

I laugh again "it's not just me you've gotta worry about dumbass" i say looking to kade,luke,my dad,my mom,kade's parents, katie,and alex they've gotten back during all this

"So, wanna leave now while you still can and leave me the fuck alone? Or wanna stay and get your ass kicked 9 times by 9 different people? Your chose pal" i say smiling

He scrambles to the door "i-i-m-m g-gonna l-leave" he stramers

I laugh "hahaha and I'm the pussy bitch?" I ask

He runs out the door all the way down the street.

"Why was he here?" Luke asks

"Oh you know, wanted to talk, ect. The oldest clichè in the books and times" i say

"Are you okay?" Luke&kade asks

"Other than my hip hurting from being pushed by a door into the wall I'm good" i say smiling

"I've always hated that boy!" My dad says pouring him&justin a shot of whiskey

Momma gives us girls wine coolers and kade,alex,luke join my dad.

"Sweetie, your a badass" jennifer says smiling

I laugh "momma tried to raise a lady, but daddy won he raised a lady that don't take shit from anyone" i say smiling

She laughs "damn right honey, and that goes for my son as well"

I laugh "he's perfect mrs lockwood"

"Oh, honey call me Jennifer, your family now" she says hugging me

I smile and hug back i feel eyes on me and know right away they are kade's i smile "hi love!"

He chuckles "hi angel"

"Watching your mom&i bond?" I ask

"Mmm, maybe" he says smiling

I laugh and shake my head "your insane"

"But you love me" he says smiling

"Damn right, and don't forget it" i say smiling

He pulls me into a hug "I'm sorry about earlier i didn't want you to see that"

I hug back "babe, it's okay i have a dark side as well so we can be imperfect together" i say smiling

He kisses my head "i love you mrs lockwood"

I giggle "future, and i love you too mr lockwood"

I giggle "future, and i love you too mr lockwood"

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